Somali guy who works for UK govt DOWNLOADED child ography

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A House of Lords researcher who used a parliamentary laptop to download more than 1,000 indecent images and movies of children has been jailed for two years and eight months. Guleid Abdulkarim, 30, had more than 500 images of the most vile category – including footage featuring toddlers



Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
There's a lot of pedophilia in the Somali community not surprised. Degenerates like this need to be named and shamed.


Suldaanka Gobyare
Judge Joanna Korner QC told him: “You have pleaded guilty today to five counts of possession or distribution of indecent images involving extremely young children.
“If it was not for people like you and the others who indulge in this there would be no market for these type of films and images and children would thereby be protected.
“These are exceedingly serious offences and therefore there is no alternative but custody.”
Abdulkarim showed no trace of emotion as he was led to the cells.
Prosecutor John Evison said: “This all came to light because parliament carried out a review.
“The defendant was employed by a member of the House of Lords – he was employed as a researcher/assistant.
“Parliament itself carried out a review and found some evidence of indecent images on a parliamentary server and they passed the information to the paedophile unit.”
Officers later contacted Abdulkarim and he met with them outside a cafe in Kennington where he was asked if he had accessed indecent images and replied “no, just ”.
He then informed the officers that the laptop was actually in a locked room in a sauna called ‘The Locker Room on Cleaver Street.
Abdulkarim’s locker was searched and the laptop containing most of the images was found and he was taken into custody.
In total 1,082 indecent images and movies were found, including 503 category A images which can include children being raped.
Abdulkarim even shared some of the images with others on sharing site Zoomroom, which Mr Evison said would not usually have been able to trace.


“Mr Abdulkarim for whatever reason used recording software to record hours and hours of footage of what he has been doing on Zoom.
“It shows him and all the other males in that room masturbating and chatting about child abuse while illegal images of children are being shown.”
Ethiopia-born Abdulkarim was said to be “actively involved in the network” of paedophiles.
Victoria Meads, for Abdulkarim, explained that after coming out as gay Abdulkarim was disowned by his Muslim family and became addiction to crystal meth.
A further laptop and three hard drives have also now been seized from Abdulkarim but the content of them has yet to be accessed by police.
Abdulkarim, of no fixed address, admitted four counts of making indecent images of children and one of distributing indecent images of children.
He was jailed for two years and eight months.



Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
He comes out as Gay gets disowned addicted to meth and hes got stash with Child he should be in prison longer
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