Somali Identity Crisis

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John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
No one in my family or tribe has ever claimed arab origins. Since he's either from bay or bakool he should know the people there do not either.

Otherwise I agree, somali people need to realise that equality in society for all is a benefit, that's why western societies flourish.

He has a very strange last name though.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
So Somalis don't have identity because they don't see Bantus as their brethren? :drakewtf:


Citizen of Southwest State
Dr. Eno, PhD is 100% right. I encourage him to bring his expertise on the issue to Kenya. He is a highly qualified professor, I'm sure he will receive tenure at a prestigious Kenyan university.
The inferiority complex and victimhood of this so-called professor is astounding, you will think he is an African American. And for those of you preaching diversity think for a moment what would happen if Bantus in Somalia get power or become majority, if they so called intellectuals are spewing subliminal racial supremacy as this guy in the video is. Trust me the Hutu genocide in Rwanda will be cakewalk and that’s if they don’t outbreed us like they did the south Cushitic in Kenya and Tanzania.
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