Somali ladies only: Would you pay the bills AND share your man?

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رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Jazaaka'allah brother your absolutely right that's why I am not worried at all even tough we live in a worrisome time.

May Allah protect us from these Fitan's and Trial's, the only reason I contribute to this forum is to speak out against these evils and I believe the best way to do this is to confront this evil head first in a method and language they understand.

Majority of people will not read that lengthy sermon from the Shaykh (hafidahullâh), but it's absolutely beautiful and the kuffar have succeeded in west with our women so far which is sad but expected.
"Three things that bring about destruction
The sickness of the Muslim youth in this present day and age, is that as soon as they feel that they have achieved something of the knowledge about which they were previously ignorant of; they raise their heads with it and think that they comprehend all things with their knowledge.

Hence arrogance and self-amazement took control of them and we fear that they may be included in the statement of the Messenger, may Allah send peace and blessings upon him:

"Three things bring about destruction...

1. Miserliness
2. Following one's desires
3. and that everyone is amazed with his own opinion."

Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee, may Allah have mercy on him"

Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī.
Published on
Source: Silsilat ul hudaa wan nur (861).
Use the player below or download the MP3 here.


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
Jazaaka'allah brother your absolutely right that's why I am not worried at all even tough we live in a worrisome time.

May Allah protect us from these Fitan's and Trial's, the only reason I contribute to this forum is to speak out against these evils and I believe the best way to do this is to confront this evil head first in a method and language they understand.

Majority of people will not read that lengthy sermon from the Shaykh (hafidahullâh), but it's absolutely beautiful and the kuffar have succeeded in west with our women so far which is sad but expected.
"What are the forms of abandoning the Qur'an?

"May Allah be good to you oh eminent father. The questioner says: What are the forms of abandoning the Qur'an?"


"Abandoning the Qur'an comes in different forms:
  • Abandoning the recitation.
  • Abandoning pondering over its verses. And even if he recites it he does not ponder over its verses.
  • Abandoning acting upon it. And even if he recites it and ponders over its verses he does not act upon it.
  • And abandoning judging the people with it over their statements and in their disputes. Thus they don't make the Qur'an a judge.
All of this is abandoning the noble Qur'an... (The questioner then continues with the next question, but the Shaykh adds:)
  • And abandoning using the Qur'an as evidence and exchanging it with Mantiq and Kalam (a discipline that searches for answers to creedal issues using logic).
All of this is from abandoning the Qur'an. Yes."

Shaykh Saalih bin Fawzaan Al-Fawzaan, may Allah preserve him

Translated by 'Abdurrahīm Ibn Muhammad Al-Hadhramī."
Published on


رَّبِّ زِدْنِي عِلْمًا
All in Arabic
First (By Shaykh Salih Al-fawnzan)
أحسن الله إليكم سماحة الوالد يقول السائل
ماهي أنواع هجر القرآن ؟

هجر القرآن أنواع
هجر التلاوة
وهجر التدبر وإن تلاهُ فإنه لا يتدبره
وهجر العمل به وإن تلاهُ وتدبرهُ فإنه لا يعمل به
وهجر الحكم به على الناس في مقالتهم وفي منازعاتهم فلا يُحكمون القرآن هذا كله هجر للقرآن الكريم
وهجر الإستدلال به وإستبداله بالمنطق وعلم الكلام
كل هذا من هجر القرآن

Second (By Shaykh Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee, may Allah have mercy on him)
قـال الشيـخ الألبانـي رحمـه الله
- آفـة الشبـاب المسلـم فـي العصـر الحاضـر هـو أنهـم لمجـرد أن يشعـروا بأنهـم عرفـوا شيـئا مـن العلـم لـم يكونـوا مـن قبـل علـى علـم بـه
رفعـوا بـه رؤوسهـم
وظنـوا أنهـم قـد احاطـوا بكـل شـئ علمـا
فتسلـط عليهـم الغـرور والعجـب
- ونخشـى أن يشملهـم قـول الرسـول صلـى اللـه عليـه وسلـم
ثـلاث مهلكـات
شـح مطـاع
وهـوى متبـع
واعجـاب كـل ذي رأي برأيه
(سلسلة الهدى والنور (861
The biggest red-flag in her post which exposes her poisoned mind set is the fact that she lists "entertaining husband" as a tick list category right next to cooking and cleaning.

This is a mindset you only find in diaspora females, the same with "cleaning and cooking" being listed.

To these women, intimacy and sex are seen as bargaining chips as opposed to tools of raxma between spouses, while cooking and cleaning is seen as a burden placed upon them by the husband, even the infidel female's don't combine both these poisons like our Xaalimo's do.

This is what happens to females that grow up in luxury, peace and comforts, and our Xaalimo's are the worst because unlike other ethnic groups, they don't regularly cook and clean at home because hooyo does everything for everyone (contrary to there calaacal and lies)

I had more then a decade experience with these useless leaching diaspora types and there gross delusions of grandeur along with there latent hypocrisy.

Every single female I have spoken to outside of the western world was a million times better then these spoiled diaspora Xaalimo's on every measurable metric you can come up with, even the very worst of those females was better then the very best I seen in Europe.

I am able to forebare there uselessness as it's not mostly there fault, but what I can't overlook is there poisoned mindset like what we witnessed in her post along with those delusions of grandeur and latent hypocrisies.

The most dangerous person on this earth is the ignorant useless person who thinks he/she is smart and wise, because you can't teach an ignoramus like this.

Cooking, cleaning, raising a family is work.

Working and providing is work.

Your hypocrisy is glaring to see. You have been poisoned by the western capitalist mindset that you regard productivity=money, hence why the work a woman does is of no value to you.

Your misogynistic rambling is not intelligence, it is in fact the opposite. You are a hypocrite to boot. You advocate for traditional roles, yet gleefully peddle the idea of a woman providing for the family by encouraging @Tukraq

I have every right to bring up what you regard as a red flag. Women if overworked will regard sex as a chore overtime. That is a fact. Men and women's sexuality is different.

A marker of intelligence is rationality. Your posts clearly demonstrate that you are a frustrated young man that is hellbent in blaming western Somali women for every problem in the Somali community. From male unemployment (huge issue), gang violence to male imprisonment ect. All of which effect Somali men, yet you have illustrated in your many irrational posts that women are the culprit. That young man is what I call a red flag.

The bit in bold is huge giveaway of your unstable mindset. Generalising to such an extent day in and out due to your disappointing encounters with women is unhealthy.
My other topic was about polygamy and the true intentions of modern men who practise this.
It lead to other topics but the most interesting (baffling, outrageous and hilarious) topic was this;

WOULD YOU EVER, not only share your husband but also SPLIT THE BILLS?

Usually women who share their husband do so because there are financial incentives involved.


Share your thoughts sistren.
I can do bad all by myself.
you cant have your cake and eat it too, the whole point of polygamy stems around hypergamy and women who are ok with men having other wives as long as he is able to support.

Not all women feel a sense of claim towards a man and some only care what a man has to offer.

Personally if a man ticked all my boxes and was financially stable and willing to provide and wanted a 3rd wife who he spent equal amounts of time with I would absolutely marry him!


you cant have your cake and eat it too, the whole point of polygamy stems around hypergamy and women who are ok with men having other wives as long as he is able to support.

Not all women feel a sense of claim towards a man and some only care what a man has to offer.

Personally if a man ticked all my boxes and was financially stable and willing to provide and wanted a 3rd wife who he spent equal amounts of time with I would absolutely marry him!
the thing is rich successful women also go through hypergamy and are probably hit the hardest because there competing with all women for the top 20 percent but they can't date down like other women, in this case polygamy maybe there only option and in that case why would the high quality man want his highly educated successful wives to stop working:farmajoyaab:
they can continue working and together generate large sums of wealth


Islamic Fanfiction Writer
Why do you think this new generation of Xaalimo's suffer from knock knees like no other? may Allah protect us and our offspring from it? and you don't see this back home?

Causes are weak hip abductors muscles, when you don't exercise from a young age, nor clean much at home while piling up the pounds, this condition occurs.

Cleaning places you in a squat position most of the time which strengthens all the hip abductor muscles like the Glutes.

The earliest sign of weak hip abductor muscles is lower back-pain and the chronic version is knock knees.

There is a virtually nothing to carry all that excess bajaq fat and in order to protect your ACL from tearing easily your knees bend inwards to compensate.
Ilaan this the reason it took me 25 minutes to finish the mile run:ohhh:
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