Somali Leaks

Will it be possible for an election to be held in Somalia in 2016?

  • It is not possible for an election to be held in Somalia in 2016, due to the lack of achievement.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • It is possible, if the government makes efforts, to finish its vision in 2016.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • No, the government will extend its time to remain in the office.

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • Yes, there will be elections, but it will not be fair and balance.

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters
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The Corrupted Somalis in the UN Report

1. Abdisalam Omar Hadliye served as the Governor of the Somali Central Bank and he is currently serving as the Somali Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Investments Read More Information

2. Abdi Aynte was a former Jazeera journalist, became Heritage Institute Director was the man who brought illegal funds to buy Somali Presidency as mentioned and exposed in this UN Report and he is currently serving as the Somali Minister of Planning and International Cooperation

3. Fahad Yasin was a former Jazeera journalist, became Heritage Institute Researcher was the man who brought illegal funds to buy Somali Presidency as mentioned and exposed in this UN Report and he is currently serving as the Somali Minister of Planning and International Cooperation

4. Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake was Somalia’s Transitional Federal Prime Minister who organized and committed a treason for selling Somalia’s plentiful coastal areas which ex- Somali Transitional Federal Government stop him and his cabinet for their illegal move. Well, the same traitor is now the Somali Prime Minister who can not even visit some parts in Somalia where there is a peace because he knows that the Somali people will take action to show him how deeply they hate him with his treason.

5. Before becoming Somali President with humanitarian aid funds which was delivered by the above-mentioned Al-Jazeera Journalists Mr. Ayne and Mr. Fahad, Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud aka Garguurte forged his biography and made former public institution as their own private institution. After Mr. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud became Somalia’s illegal President then he funded Al-Shabab group to recapture Kismayo City where more 300 innocent people died when Kenyan backed up Somali local tribal militiamen took control of Kismayo City. Truly, the Ex- Somali Central Bank Governor and serving the Somali Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Abdisalam Omar Hadliye misappropriated $ 12 Million which is still unaccounted for because they spent to fund it Al-Shabab Group to recapture Kismayo City.

6. Mr. Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan became and served Somali Parliament as Speaker as well as well as Somali Minister of Finance where he swindled millions by organizing political conflicts between Presidents and Prime Ministers since he entered into Somali Politics. Watching him speaking to the public by saying that he can forge a fake certificate from the market.

7. Mr. Farah Sheikh Abdikadir served several ministerial posts and was the master planner of the Damu-Jadid Group who are currently occupying Somali Statehouse, and he organized to fire two previous Prime Ministers from same Marehan clan because they refused to obey his wishes to control and command the Somali Statehouse indirectly while he gives tendering contracts to his close families.

8. Mr. Abdikarim Guled served ministerial post of National Security and was the master planner of the Damu-Jadid Group who are currently occupying Somali Statehouse, and he organized to fire two previous Prime Ministers from same Marehan clan because they refused to obey his wishes to control and command the Somali Statehouse indirectly while he gives government bulletproof cars for rent to private and non-governmental organizations. He is currently running for the President of the Somali Central State.

9. Fawsia Haji Adan became Somalia’s first Female Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs who tried to swindle money easily while hiring the wrong person who exposed everything and alert to the world that there are endless corruptions which she has been organizing. please read more information in the UN Report:

Can you believe this: @Canuck @KowDheh @ghost @maman waaq @Barni @dhagax @King-of-GODEEY
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bring back corrupt sharrif:rejoice:
tbh why are people surprised somalia has always been corrupt if i remember correct siyaad barre came to power because he promised he would stop corruption:pachah1:
Who cares about ugandishu?

Go back to Shitopia.

bring back corrupt sharrif:rejoice:
tbh why are people surprised somalia has always been corrupt if i remember correct siyaad barre came to power because he promised he would stop corruption:pachah1:

But was he corrupt, out of all the places dictators escape to i.e. London, Monaco, Cairo he fled to Nigeria. Look at his children, he did not swindle the founds of the Somali people, he did not steal period. The only leader who never stole, and know Hassan and his allies want to sweep up all the money, even planes.


But was he corrupt, out of all the places dictators escape to i.e. London, Monaco, Cairo he fled to Nigeria. Look at his children, he did not swindle the founds of the Somali people, he did not steal period. The only leader who never stole, and know Hassan and his allies want to sweep up all the money, even planes.
i know he didnt he lived in run down house but the people he surrounded himself were corrupt even when he was fighting against the ethiopian backed terrorist they were stealing money from i dont blame thoe they were the only ones he could trust:wow:
tbh the time before and after him was million times worse the democratic goverments before him were hated by everyone and were known for corruption and selling out:wow:
somalis can't live without strong dictership or this will happen:wow:
i know he didnt he lived in run down house but the people he surrounded himself were corrupt even when he was fighting against the ethiopian backed terrorist they were stealing money from i dont blame thoe they were the only ones he could trust:wow:
tbh the time before and after him was million times worse the democratic goverments before him were hated by everyone and were known for corruption and selling out:wow:
somalis can't live without strong dictership or this will happen:wow:

I think Siad Barre (AUN) just wanted power, he never was money motivated like the ones of today. Our next leaders must be well educated and well experienced, not like the joker Mr Sharif Hassan Sheikh Adan (number 6) who forged and bought fake certificates. He's the president of Southwest state.


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Can you believe this
We have a weakness that our enemies are exploiting. Most Somalis see with their qabiil glasses so they don't get the full picture. we need to change that educate the masses and show them the big picture. show them that the whole of Somalia from north to south and east to kililka 5aad is theirs not some tuulo, then we boot these traitors/$ chasers and puppets.

It may take long time i believe we can make Somalia great. Inshallah
It seems the more educated a leader is, the less active (more corrupt) they are in Somalia.
We need the Somali Youth League back, not the 4.5 Damu jadiid Agenda. At its foundation, the party had 13 members: four Darod, five Reer Xamar, three Rahanweyn and one Isaaq. No one cared about Qabil back then, it became hugely popular during the Civil War.

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Even the Parliament Speaker Jawari is part of Damu Jadiid.

Abdikarim Hussein Guled President of the regional state of Galmudug accused of the Parliament speaker Mohamed Osman Jawari of creating chaos in the Galmudug for the first time amid his visit to Dusamareb.

"Speaker Jawari is pursuing a hidden agenda instead of working the peace and reconciliation of the Somali people his actions are contrary to his assigned position as a head of the Somali Parliament," said Guled.

Speaker Jawari and President Guled have been key figures of the FGS's president Hassan Sheikh's political party of Damul Jadeed.

Speaker Jawari is meeting with the Central Somalia leadership of Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a (ASWJ) in Dusamarib.

Jawari's visit to Dusamareb the central administration of ASWJ comes only a day after Jubaland President Ahmed Mohamed Islam went to Adado in part of his mediation between Puntland and Galmudug states.

However, the recent war of words has been translated as a new division of the Jamul Jadeed leadership.
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