Somali man caught on camera cheating on his Kenyan girlfriend ๐Ÿ˜ž


Plotting world domination
These interviewers are dangerous man. Buddy should have crossed the street as soon as he spotted him.

I almost had a heart attack once when I was at the mall and saw some young niggas approaching people with a diamond tester :mjkkk:.
A Somali man married to a sabahili women will die of diabetes before the honeymoon ends, theyโ€™re the Hungarians of Africa, they overfeed their men so they get fat and wonโ€™t leave them.
Ana Kidogo Ahsante Hakuna Cushite mina mumble jumbleโ€ฆโ€ฆ

Bro trying to avoid sayings heโ€™s Somali but heโ€™s been exposed now ๐Ÿคฃ

