Somali Men Should Embrace Blackpill


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The data for these graphs are from dating apps like Tinder etc where there are much more men active than women (9 to 1) and doesn‘t reflect reality whatsoever.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Who cares?

I don't that is for sure. Because I see women as human beings and not potential sex conquests on the perverted side, or in a potential relationship. I am not looking to have a relationship with the overwhelming majority of women.

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Who said here they are "sex conquests"? Also its called statistics buddy which applies to a individual scale so 99% of women YOU 🫵 come across will think this way and fun fact they dont care if you see them as human being if you dont meet their standards facial and body wise your getting the boot and I am talking in relationship scenarios not friendship or neutral scenarios
💯 it’s funny when they say ‚‘women only want good looking men‘ as if men are somehow different and would want to be with a women that they think is ugly

I put it in better quality so you know how stupid you sound when saying that this chart debunks your entire arguement.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
The data for these graphs are from dating apps like Tinder etc where there are much more men active than women (9 to 1) and doesn‘t reflect reality whatsoever.
1 in 4 people use dating apps also hypergamy is a real concept and is way more broad do you think its only applied to on the internet?


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
nah, it's just that i don't find many african men attractive.
It doesnt matter what your ethnic prefrences are you will still adhere to the base primal instinct of choosing chad over normie and sub5, stop fighting the truth.
Who said here they are "sex conquests"? Also its called statistics buddy which applies to a individual scale so 99% of women YOU 🫵 come across will think this way and fun fact they dont care if you see them as human being if you dont meet their standards facial and body wise your getting the boot and I am talking in relationship scenarios not friendship or neutral scenarios

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I put it in better quality so you know how stupid you sound when saying that this chart debunks your entire arguement.

So what about I don't care what they think about in terms of their sexual preferences don't you understand?

Unlike you, I don't waste my time on such idiotic musings.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife

So what about I don't care what they think about in terms of their sexual preferences don't you understand?

Unlike you, I don't waste my time on such idiotic musings.
When you approach a woman you should care about those things and your looks that is if you want to secure a mating partner. Also are you in a relationship? Are you married?
When you approach a woman you should care about those things and your looks that is if you want to secure a mating partner. Also are you in a relationship? Are you married?
I don't approach women at all. If I speak with a woman, I treat her the same way I treat men. With respect.

Yes I am married and have children. Maybe you should take my advice rather than some autistic lookism forums and dubious stats taken in an already flawed western system.


Prima Hablood
I don't approach women at all. If I speak with a woman, I treat her the same way I treat men. With respect.

Yes I am married and have children. Maybe you should take my advice rather than some autistic lookism forums and dubious stats taken in an already flawed western system.


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He is a funny and nice person and also puts effort into making money do you think he will be treated better by women and others? 🤔

Staying average gives you slightly more benefits than a person who looks subhuman and you will still encounter struggles in your life in all forms. Why just be content with where you are and instead strive to max out your genetic potential and get as close as possible to perfection to optimise your day to day life?
He should be focused on loosing weight due to the health concerns of obesity.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
I don't approach women at all. If I speak with a woman, I treat her the same way I treat men. With respect.

Yes I am married and have children. Maybe you should take my advice rather than some autistic lookism forums and dubious stats taken in an already flawed western system.
Then you dont apply to this situation and are a outlier and no most of this way of thinking I got from personal experiences and from what I saw 2 years ago and also again those stats are very real adeer and theres much more to back my points and claims.


This ideology can genuinely save somali men and here are some key takes from this very informative video

1. A woman makes up her mind in less than half a second.
2. You cannot change a womans mind.
3. All women share the same mind.

And these points are explained more in depth in the video I believe we should enforce this thinking on all of us so we can have better stock quality, less ugly guys and higher appeal. Thoughts?
A westernised woman is no good in any situation. A true alpha would question her deen and views on life. If she passes that check then she is worth more than a thousand beautiful women that would judge a man based on superficial means. A god fearing woman is what we should be aiming for. Let the gaalo men settle with the other time wasters! they chose to abandon the only religion that prevented such things from happening so let them reap what they sowed.

If any of our women follow the gaal lifestyle then may the istikhaara prayer and our rational mind keep them away from us. Allaha made everything easy for us. Why should we jeapordize everything for a cheap fling in this fleeting dunya. Value her deen over everything else and I promise you that you will be happier in life.

Like Allah states in the Quran, Why would you exchange what is good for what is worse? Use you brains fellas and contribute to the ummah by raising decent children with good women.


Forza Somalia!
This ideology can genuinely save somali men and here are some key takes from this very informative video

1. A woman makes up her mind in less than half a second.
2. You cannot change a womans mind.
3. All women share the same mind.

And these points are explained more in depth in the video I believe we should enforce this thinking on all of us so we can have better stock quality, less ugly guys and higher appeal. Thoughts?
Generalist video, but it is much more mature than the redpill maniacs .


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
A westernised woman is no good in any situation. A true alpha would question her deen and views on life. If she passes that check then she is worth more than a thousand beautiful women that would judge a man based on superficial means. A god fearing woman is what we should be aiming for. Let the gaalo men settle with the other time wasters! they chose to abandon the only religion that prevented such things from happening so let them reap what they sowed.

If any of our women follow the gaal lifestyle then may the istikhaara prayer and our rational mind keep them away from us. Allaha made everything easy for us. Why should we jeapordize everything for a cheap fling in this fleeting dunya. Value her deen over everything else and I promise you that you will be happier in life.

Like Allah states in the Quran, Why would you exchange what is good for what is worse? Use you brains fellas and contribute to the ummah by raising decent children with good women.
Of course bro but this functionality I am talking about is primal and to get the best of women for yourself you must fill the looks critera as well alongside the deen critera but good poiny overall I agree with your statement.
Generalist video, but it is much more mature than the redpill maniacs .
Its mainly accurate some points are overexaggerated but its accurate and ofc its mature because this line of thought has no sugarcoating or sells delusions of grandeur it just states the cold hard facts and thats it. Short and Simple.


Plotting world domination
This ideology can genuinely save somali men and here are some key takes from this very informative video

1. A woman makes up her mind in less than half a second.
2. You cannot change a womans mind.
3. All women share the same mind.

And these points are explained more in depth in the video I believe we should enforce this thinking on all of us so we can have better stock quality, less ugly guys and higher appeal. Thoughts?

Lots of black pillers turn into incels.

I'd rather Somali men learn how to pull women within their range. I don't want to see guys crying and mateguarding because they can't pull baddies out of their league.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
get a job and get married stop wasting your time on nonsense talk and people
You have to be extremely miserable to be into this stuff. If what they claim is accurate, how does that help one in life ? Alot of the people who watch this stuff are going around believing that they’re doomed romantically. I think it’s a very sad way to spend the little time you have on this planet.. being unnecessarily aware of ”human nature”.

Basic grooming, workout, spend more time socializing and you’ll most likely end up having a better outcome than the people who are -maxxing.