Somali Militias Push Canfar Out of Sitti


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
These langaabs got a bit too arrogant insulting Somalis all over Twitter. March till semera or whatever their tuulo capital is called, Mercilessly xoog them and put them in their place

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
These langaabs got a bit too arrogant insulting Somalis all over Twitter. March till semera or whatever their tuulo capital is called, Mercilessly xoog them and put them in their place
shark tooth afags we’re doing calling for war in ramadan. keep your foot on these munafiqeens necks.



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
May Allah make it easy for the afar in their time of defeat, they are Muslim just as we are.

Somalis should assimilate them
May Allah make it easy for the afar in their time of defeat, they are Muslim just as we are.

Somalis should assimilate them
You do not know their history, they have always been habesha foot soldiers, with Oromo they have their excuse Oromo were married into habesha nobility but afars were calling them masters from the getgo
I know its only just one little region but its nice to hear minor victories like this every once and a while. It only reminds me of the massive karbashing Somalis united can give if a single subclan and beat up an ethnicity.

