Somali Mother killed by her husband.

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Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un

A jealous husband lured his estranged wife to their marital home and stabbed her to death with three knives after she told him she wanted a divorce, a court heard.

Abdirashid Khadar, 22, who denies murder, sent mother-of-one Amal Abdi, 21, a text message saying: 'Honey come and see me at home' to persuade her to visit.

When she refused, he persisted and told her that some of his family were visiting and he wanted her to tidy their flat in the Barton Hill area of Bristol.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
AUN to the young lady.

Isn't this old? I remember reading a similar story. Daily fail ran out of Stories.
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