@Somali nationalists: Does it hurt?

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That you're dream of a Somaliweyn is evaporating right before your eyes forever? Somaliland is poised to secede from this failed union, and many states such as Puntland, Jubbaland, Galmudug, Awdal, and others are soon to follow and the balkanization of the Somali peninsula will be complete. The federalism horse has long left the barn and is heading the green pastures of secession and independence, and there ain't a damn thing your online rants will change about it. :win:

It's interesting to think in 300-400 years if the "Somali" label will even exist after all this occurs. Already we are beginning to see a major divergence between the languages and customs spoken by northerners and southerners. Within the next few centuries, we will likely see the formation of entirely new languages spoken only by the different tribes that are isolated in their small pocket of the horn. It would definitely be great times to live in.


It's just rats fleeing a ship thinking that's sinking but actually they were all on the lower deck. The smart people left the country long ago.
except somalis were never under a single state before in the first place, before colonization we had clan states as well, the somali label still exists, and the language is still here, despite your wishful thinking.

whats dying is though these clan myths lol majority of somalis dont claim arab ancestry anymore lol
except somalis were never under a single state before in the first place, before colonization we had clan states as well, the somali label still exists, and the language is still here, despite your wishful thinking.

whats dying is though these clan myths lol majority of somalis dont claim arab ancestry anymore lol

The Somali label is a new and troublesome construct that was formed after colonial era. Before it, no one ever attributed themselves to being "Somali" but rather defined themselves ethnically by their tribes even if they did speak the language. Also, the different tribes lived and intermixed with each other rather than isolating themselves and keeping a distance from everyone else, which what kept the language from diverging. Now, that certainly won't be the case and each tribe will end up forming their own distinct ethnic group, culture, and language. Great times are definitely awaiting.

As for majority of "Somalis" not claiming Arab ancestry, this is a phenomenon that exists only in the west and particularly on the internet. You go back home and ask any Darod or Isaac who their patriarch is and where he is from, he will most certainly tell you that he was an Arab who migrated to the Somali peninsula.
Somalia and somali unity will come around sometime. It happened in 1960 till 1990. When somalida realize that we are nothing but poor and occupied by our enemies. The average somali knows what is going on. We just need leaders and movements that can expose the fraud being portrayed as a success by nicolas kay and enforced by amison. Politicians who will go on air to expose the fraud federalism is, the ethiopian presents and how they have almost every leader at gun point. You know. Right now every leader is under tigre shoes. Not everyone wants to have a country that's only inhabited by his tribesmen.

What astonishes me the most is, leaders usually want the biggest land, laakin it seems somali leaders are just happy with their tribal heartlands and not a mile more. I dont think this is a coincidence. I think the way somali leaders are selected is definitly penetrated and subverted in a sense that outside forces will already know if a potential leader will be a pain for them and will have ways of eliminating such individuals with or without violence.
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Somalia and somali unity will come around sometime. It happened in 1960 till 1990. When somalida realize that we are nothing but poor and occupied by our enemies. The average somali knows what is going on. We just need leaders and movements that can expose the fraud being portrayed as a success by nicolas kay and enforced by amison. Politicians who will go on air to expose the fraud federalism is, the ethiopian presents and how they have almost every leader at gun point. You know. Right now every leader is under tigre shoes. Not everyone wants to have a country that's only inhabited by his tribesmen.
It can only be argued that it was only from 196-1969, and the country was already unstable after only a couple of years and at times on the brink of a civil war. Then Siad Barre took power and the country was ruled under the iron fist of a dictatorship. The people in the Somali peninsula all hate each other very much, and support absolutely everything their leaders do. They are the ones who want this federalism, they are the ones who want to secede from the bloated union, and they are overwhelmingly the ones who want their independent nations to be inhabited only by their fellow tribesmen. The politicians aren't dictators who just take control, but have the full backing of their people and are very well liked and well received by their tribes.

These crazy conspiracy theories of Tigre meddling in our affairs have got to stop. The Ethiopians simply lack the sophistication to play these kinds of political games. Federalism was hatched entirely by the people living in the Somali peninsula, and this is what greater majority of the people want and they will get it. The balkanization of Somalia to tribal fiefdoms is long overdue, and this will effectively destroy the Somaliweyn dream forever. That is a day that I definitely look forward to seeing.
Yes, it does hurt to know my people are self-destructive. Why are you rubbing it in? :stressed:

It's just rats fleeing a ship thinking that's sinking but actually they were all on the lower deck. The smart people left the country long ago.

The fortunate people.

You are right Sir. Somali weeyn is dead and buried. Daarood and Hawiye could never become nationalists. Each is seeking Kursi to rule and dominate the other. What will exist the next 100 years is the South from Bajuni Islands to the borders of Hiiraan controlled by Madowweeyne with a coalition of D&M and Biyomals. The rest, Daaroods and Hawiye will share Puntland, Galmudug and Hiiraaland. You can eat your hillib Geel and drink caano Geel and dance dhaanto there. You Lamagoodleys have brought destruction and hunger to the South. Stay within these borders and let's build the South as the next Seoul. Fii amaanllah, Albaabka sii xir.
Not really. I'm more concerned with the future existence and prosperity of the Somali ethnic group. If that mean that we will have several Somali states living near each other, then so be it.

With time, we will have greater cooperation and trust between the several Somali states, and there will be a notable and powerful Somali presence in the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean region.

Somalis never lived under one flag in our entire history. Whether it's before the Europeans arriving on our soil or after; Somalis have never lived under one flag and that's okay. But that doesn't mean that we can't have cooperation between the different Somali countries.


Yes, it does hurt to know my people are self-destructive. Why are you rubbing it in? :stressed:

The fortunate people.

That too walaal but I mean the intellectuals left the country and that's why Somalia is run by morons. Somalia could have been profitable and peaceful for all but all these caqli yare calool dheere ran it into the ground.
Somali ethnic group.
No such thing. This is as stupid as saying the "American ethnic group". The people who live in the Somali peninsula are as phenotypically and genetically diverse as the people in Latin America with different lineages and cultural traditions. Anyone who speaks Somali and practices some of the cultural customs, because they differ vastly across the Somali peninsula, is considered a Somali by most people regardless of where they originate from or how they look.

With time, we will have greater cooperation and trust between the several Somali states, and there will be a notable and powerful Somali presence in the Horn of Africa and the Indian Ocean region.

Somalis never lived under one flag in our entire history. Whether it's before the Europeans arriving on our soil or after; Somalis have never lived under one flag and that's okay. But that doesn't mean that we can't have cooperation between the different Somali countries.

There was never cooperation between the different tribal fiefdoms. Rather, there was only ever constant war, death, murder, chaos, and destruction. In all of the history before colonialism, the "Somali" people never ever came together to fight a common enemy. In fact, according to some traditions, some Somali tribes are ethnically and culturally closer to Amhara than they are to their so-called fellow "Somali". The difference this time is now we are dealing with two nations that will achieve complete modernization soon and would love to see the destruction of the people living in the Somali peninsula and to divide these lands between them. If they were sufficiently sophisticated and had the complete backing of the west, both of which will never happen, then they can set these tribal states against each other and reduce their numbers until they can just walk into these lands and slaughter the handful of remnants. That's my only significant fear in this era, but it's truly an unwarranted fear and is about as likely as an invasion by extraterrestrials. The biggest enemies and existential threats to my people have always been and will always be the hutus and the idoors.


Citizen of Southwest State
The Darod people stand with their Kikuyu allies and we have always had a rich history of trade and friendship among one another. We look forward to working with each other and expect fully their aid against our foes in the Somali peninsula.
Rageedi. Guul baan ku rajeyneyaa adeer.
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