Somali social media personalities have a huge responsibility


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
The promotion of fancy lifestyles consisting of fancy clothes, bags, electronics, trips, exclusive foods and extravagant weddings presented by Somali social media personalities (first and foremost singers) needs to stop.

Why? Because people in the Somali lands suffer and get a false picture of what life in the west is like.

Do you agree?


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
Stop deranging the thread and stick to the topic. This is a very serious matter.
You said our people suffer back home yet you have no ounce of knowledge about what it’s like to live as a Somali. What’s wrong with the diaspora wanting a better life for themselves? If happiness for them comes in big diamond weddings then let it be! We struggled enough and and god knows we deserve it


Staff Member
The promotion of fancy lifestyles consisting of fancy clothes, bags, electronics, trips, exclusive foods and extravagant weddings presented by Somali social media personalities (first and foremost singers) needs to stop.

Why? Because people in the Somali lands suffer and get a false picture of what life in the west is like.

Do you agree?
I agree with you.
You reminded me of a something that happened to me couple years ago. I got approached by this african guy on the side of the road. He asked me where he was. At first I thought he was under the influence. I told him north london. He started celebrating by doing a little dance. I took a step back. At that moment a lorry drove past, and it all made sense. I asked if he came in the back of a lorry. He said No I came underneath it. It was very hard not to laugh. I gave him some clean clothes, and put him on a bus to glasgow where his friends live. A week later he’s posting pictures on his Facebook outside fancy houses wearing the clothes I gave him, I was happy for him but the 100s of likes made me wonder how many more will make the journey. He was sudanese.