somali spots views on cannabis and alcohol

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i'm super anti weed since it is a depressing habit but i view a friday night out at the right club for a liquor session to be just what the doctor ordered.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
what point

Your argument is that khat is better than cannabis because it's not foreign, but it is. It's my belief that Somalis would be a more peace-loving people if they blazed instead of chewed.


Prohibition is stupid. People are always going to find ways to get weed even when illegal. Might as well tax and regulate both instead of giving up billion dollar industries to the black market. Doesn't make sense wasting so much public taxpayer money cracking down on potheads either, most are pretty harmless.


i'm super anti weed since it is a depressing habit but i view a friday night out at the right club for a liquor session to be just what the doctor ordered.
You're anti-weed, yet consume liquor on every other Friday lol
Cannabis is a plant, its harvested, and later consumed. Many doctors also agree its a medical terminology.
You're anti-weed, yet consume liquor on every other Friday lol
Cannabis is a plant, its harvested, and later consumed. Many doctors also agree its a medical terminology.

People that smoke weed are either depressed daily or emotionally unstable plus they lack motivation. Smoking weed is possibly the most depressing habit in history, I would prefer to be a khaat chewer than a pot-head. By the way I'm speaking from experience so I'm not just stating my observations of pot-heads, me personally I was lacking motivation during my teenage years.
Antisocial well atleast this time you didn't bring the name of god into an inappropriate conversation.

And I respect your opinion on alcohol and drugs.


People that smoke weed are either depressed daily or emotionally unstable plus they lack motivation. Smoking weed is possibly the most depressing habit in history, I would prefer to be a khaat chewer than a pot-head. By the way I'm speaking from experience so I'm not just stating my observations of pot-heads, me personally I was lacking motivation during my teenage years.
Pot has a lot of different effects on people. But the common documented effect is relaxation. I've smoked many times, yet not a single time have I lacked motivation. In fact, it was times that I were high that motivated me to do things, and helped me change perspectives in the way i viewed things. Actually, now that i think about it. Half the ideas that i've consumed and lived arrived during sessions.
Pot expands your mind, and it creates different equations in your head. Helps you solve things, and questions society.
I've passed all exams when high, and remained focused and motivated through the whole time.
This isn't for you perhaps, they say each to his own. I've tasted liquor, but i've never gotten drunk or tipsy. I regret even tasting it.
The positive thing about weed is, it aint addictive.
I've quit many times, or should i stay stopped, and only returned because I'm opening a dispensary the year 2017.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Depends on your personality, I know successful doctors and lawyers who smoke weed daily.
it also depends on the type of weed, in the usa especially california i heard they have good product but here in the uk we have nothing short of weed that is sprayed up with chemicals beyond believe, most weed smokers in the uk tend to loose the plot after 3 years of daily smoking, i only smoked for 2 years of college but damn it did i turn into a weirdo those two years of college.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Your smoking that ingrown ghetto shit, in Canada its legal in BC so its professionally grown. When I go back to visit Canada, I'll definitely be landing in Vancouver to taste their premier bud.
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