Somali towns with funny names

Dhuusamereeb - fart -town

Naas-hablood - ladies with breasts

Buurtinleh - mountain with a single piece of hair

Iskushuban - vomit on yourself ?

Buuryaqab - uncut penis

More funny names?



Inaba Caadi Maaha
What does "laas" mean? Laas Caanod, Laas Geel, Laas Qorey... does it mean milking, like "liis"? If so, those are some weird names to call a place/town.


Those are definitely bizzare names in
English but I believe the contexts have a different meaning in Somali ofcourse.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Buulo Xaar (Xaar Village)
Iskushuban(Diarehhea on yourself}
Kuntuwaareey(Doggystyle with a lady named Waarey)
Baar Kulan{Bar of meetups}
Afbarwaaqo[Sweet mouth of oral}
Dhuusamereeb - fart -town

Naas-hablood - ladies with breasts

Buurtinleh - mountain with a single piece of hair

Iskushuban - vomit on yourself ?

Buuryaqab - uncut penis

More funny names?

You translated all these words wrong.

dhuusamareeb β‰  fart -town

Naas-hablood, Naasohablood β‰  ladies with breasts

Buurtinleh variant name Burtinle β‰  mountain with a single piece of hair

Iskushuban β‰  vomit on yourself ?

Buuryaqab β‰  uncut penis


All these words above are place names. They are beautiful, have meanings and story behind it. None of these names are facetious. You just completely translated them wrong even when you literal translated them. However I'll translate better.

1. Dhuusamareeb = ?

We donnot know the meaning of Dhuusamareeb let alone translate it. However, people didnot stop attempting to find the meaning of it.

According to modern Somali language .

"Dhuusamareeb" is triple compound word.

Dhuuso + ma + reeb

Modern Somali Literal translation

Dhuuso = fart
Ma = no/not
Reeb= left behind / exclude / hold back

Possible meaning in the modern Somali Literal translation.

Fart not left behind
Fart exclude

Modern story of the word Dhuusamareeb.

Dhuusamareeb is on hills and when people go and down the hill they fart because they can't hold it.

Fact check

Dhuusamareeb has no mountains or hills that surrounds the city.

Somali linguestics perspective.

We have lost the meaning Dhuusamareeb though time. All the modern definition does not explained anything.

2. Naasohablood = Virgin

More explaination

The name Naasohablood comes from two mountains in Northen Somalia, near the capital Hargaysa. When you are away from these two mountains they resemble breasts. So the people name these two mountain "girls-breasts" but when we combined that two words it means "Virgin" in Somali language. Furthermore, These two mountains are a landmark. Its name Naasohablood is in poetry, hotels are named after it and it is iconic. Somalis across the world knows it. Naasohablood mountains also on the Somaliland's currency. Naasohablood is a name of two mountain.

3. Burtinle or Buurtinle = ?

The meaning of this city is unknown however we can track the Somali grammar to figure its meaning.

This city has two variation of its name.

Burtinle and Buurtinle


Le is variation of Leh

Leh = have quality of something, / own, / is/are/ be / have/


Shaahle => shaah leh => owner of teashop or Tea saler.
Quick quiz: dukaanle means _______

Meaning of buurtin and burtin is unknown. I couldn't find on the dictionary or any other resources for this word.

4. Iskushuban (noun) = Self-sufficient, strong / well built.


Isku = onself
Shuban= poured all ready


Shub (verb) = pour Ex, wuu shubay shaaha.
Shuban (verb noun ) = poured, streamed

Ex. wuu shubanyahay shaahu.



Shubmo (verb) = to have diarrhea

Ex . Cali wuu shubmay xalay.

Shuban (noun) means diarrhea

Ex. Shuban baa ku dhacay Cali.

5. Buuryaqab = boy / human baby male
Buulo Xaar (Xaar Village)
Iskushuban(Diarehhea on yourself}
Kuntuwaareey(Doggystyle with a lady named Waarey)
Baar Kulan{Bar of meetups}
Afbarwaaqo[Sweet mouth of oral}
You are reading wrong

1. Buuloxaar/ buuloxaadh, xaar in this context doesn't mean πŸ’© . The xaar mentioned in Buuloxaar and xaar πŸ’© are not pronounced the same. all they they are written the same Xaar/Xaar/dh.
2. Iskushuban doesn't mean diarrhea. To get the meaning of the word Iskushuban I'll give you word that similar in terms of grammar.

You probably have seen these words


3. Kuntuwaareey =

4. Baarkulan = the Baar tree that brings together.

Baar is a type of tree🌴. I don't what it is called in English but there is a tree called Baar.
kulan means meet

5. Afbarwaaqo, The meaning of this word is pretty clear. Prosperous door πŸšͺ


You translated all these words wrong.

dhuusamareeb β‰  fart -town

Naas-hablood, Naasohablood β‰  ladies with breasts

Buurtinleh variant name Burtinle β‰  mountain with a single piece of hair

Iskushuban β‰  vomit on yourself ?

Buuryaqab β‰  uncut penis


All these words above are place names. They are beautiful, have meanings and story behind it. None of these names are facetious. You just completely translated them wrong even when you literal translated them. However I'll translate better.

1. Dhuusamareeb = ?

We donnot know the meaning of Dhuusamareeb let alone translate it. However, people didnot stop attempting to find the meaning of it.

According to modern Somali language .

"Dhuusamareeb" is triple compound word.

Dhuuso + ma + reeb

Modern Somali Literal translation

Dhuuso = fart
Ma = no/not
Reeb= left behind / exclude / hold back

Possible meaning in the modern Somali Literal translation.

Fart not left behind
Fart exclude

Modern story of the word Dhuusamareeb.

Dhuusamareeb is on hills and when people go and down the hill they fart because they can't hold it.

Fact check

Dhuusamareeb has no mountains or hills that surrounds the city.

Somali linguestics perspective.

We have lost the meaning Dhuusamareeb though time. All the modern definition does not explained anything.

2. Naasohablood = Virgin

More explaination

The name Naasohablood comes from two mountains in Northen Somalia, near the capital Hargaysa. When you are away from these two mountains they resemble breasts. So the people name these two mountain "girls-breasts" but when we combined that two words it means "Virgin" in Somali language. Furthermore, These two mountains are a landmark. Its name Naasohablood is in poetry, hotels are named after it and it is iconic. Somalis across the world knows it. Naasohablood mountains also on the Somaliland's currency. Naasohablood is a name of two mountain.

3. Burtinle or Buurtinle = ?

The meaning of this city is unknown however we can track the Somali grammar to figure its meaning.

This city has two variation of its name.

Burtinle and Buurtinle


Le is variation of Leh

Leh = have quality of something, / own, / is/are/ be / have/


Shaahle => shaah leh => owner of teashop or Tea saler.
Quick quiz: dukaanle means _______

Meaning of buurtin and burtin is unknown. I couldn't find on the dictionary or any other resources for this word.

4. Iskushuban (noun) = Self-sufficient, strong / well built.


= onself
Shuban= poured all ready


Shub (verb) = pour Ex, wuu shubay shaaha.
Shuban (verb noun ) = poured, streamed

Ex. wuu shubanyahay shaahu.



Shubmo (verb) = to have diarrhea

Ex . Cali wuu shubmay xalay.

Shuban (noun) means diarrhea

Ex. Shuban baa ku dhacay Cali.

5. Buuryaqab = boy / human baby male
Apparently Dhuusamareeb used to be called Dhahardheer, it changed sometime in the last 150 years due to berries eaten from a tree that grew in the town
Afgooy = Lips cutt off

Ceel Dofaar = Well of pigs

Wasamo xun = Rough $ex

Garac lagu dhal = Where bastards are born