Somali ways of saying English words

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So there's this grocery store where I live called Food Basics but for some reason every single Somali hoyoo calls it "Basic Foods". It's like they had a memo go out to all those Somali hoyoos to start calling it that.

How about how they call it Hoofer referring to the Hoover brand?

Call it a vaccum for f*ck sakes.

That's not too bad actually, many other cultures use the term Hoover/Hoovering as well. It's like when people call tissues kleenex or photocopying Xeroxing. Companies don't like it because their name brand can become generic and they can lose rights to the trademark. Happened to Yo-Yo, for the toy.
That's not too bad actually, many other cultures use the term Hoover/Hoovering as well. It's like when people call tissues kleenex or photocopying Xeroxing. Companies don't like it because their name brand can become generic and they can lose rights to the trademark. Happened to Yo-Yo, for the toy.

But only Somalis call it Hoofer. No one else does this


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
So there's this grocery store where I live called Food Basics but for some reason every single Somali hoyoo calls it "Basic Foods". It's like they had a memo go out to all those Somali hoyoos to start calling it that.

:sheed: that's what my mom called it. and shobber brice = price chopper :lol:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Back home they look at sweat pants as low class clothing. In SL they call it huudheedh(who's dead ). They mean your clothesis so whack you probably stole it off a dead person :chrisfreshhah::dead:
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