It's apparent he played her and she's taken it hard.
She clearly left some other guy while not stable just to find a love sanctuary and she fell right into the hands of a ruthless womanizer.
I hope not to see you do this to your honorable wife.
This lady's relationship wasn't a marriage type. I think she was dating him. What convinced you it was a marriage.
These kind of women makes me cringe
Why are you so hard hearted
^Look who is talking
You've no right to talk about infidelity
Anyways I might sound harsh but she shouldn't put her business out on the internet, she basically showing her weakness to the guy who did her dirt. She needs to overcome with her broken heart and show him she have a life without him and put herself back to market there are plenty fishes in the sea why cry about a man who doesn't give a shit about your feeling to begin with.