Somali women are what’s holding Somalis together. Mashallah good stuff.
Why?I'd Qashin this but I can't, you're lucky baayo.
I do it to everybody bruv.Cos you Qashin all my posts, tit for tat.
I do it to everybody bruv.
Somali women are what’s holding Somalis together. Mashallah good stuff.
Somali women are what’s holding Somalis together. Mashallah good stuff.
Whats holding Somalis together are our woman....I am and idiot how couldn't i get that
You are absolutely right walaal. You are queens. Im am so thankful that our woman raise their children without qabyaalad. They constantly preach the equality of all Somali people. They never tell their kids that there are langaab and landheere, only somalinimo and islamnimo. I will never forget when the Isaaq and hawiye woman told their SNM and USC Husbands, Sons and brothers to stop fighting against the regime. That saved our Country. Or when the Marexaan woman prevented MSB and his friends from killing innocent people. If our woman didn't do that our Country could have ended in a civil war.
Imagine only for a second if our woman being as tribalistic as our man, encouraging them to qabyaalad, raising their sons with qabyaald, telling them how landheere they are. What a rich history their tribe has and how poor the history of other tribes is.
Impossible. Never so our Queens. If that really happend Somalia would be a nation which is splitted. We could be in a civil war for almost 30 years. The kacaan could have go on killing and abusing their people. The kacaan could have been overthrown by the rebels. The rebels could have taken revenge and looted the whole country. Every rebel group could demand their own state. Our people would be full of cuqdad and hate each other. We would become all Refugees. Foreigners would indirectly rule the country. The world would call as a failed state. Ohhh shiiit wait ......