Somalia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs said Somalia will consider establishing contacts with and supporting rebels fighting in Ethiopia


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I've been hearing Turkey will be training regional troops in the Awdal region, Djibouti has already been arming and training them since earlier in the year.

These are things that should have been done already, and not said openly. Doqoon yahow, this should be kept behind closed doors :snoop: :mjlol:

He isn't doing that, he is just tryign to paint out that Somaliland is like FANO or OLF or any of those other seperatist groups when in fact is a country that gained it's independence and then joined a union. It's FKD wrapped in a fake threat in order destablise both opponents of Mogadishu (SL + Eth).


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Lol I am sorry to say this but this isnt the 70s where we can afford to support rebel organisations in ethiopia we dont even have our own lands in order and they are talking about providing arms and supports to ethiopian rebel groups? :snoop: