NEWS Somalia and Ethiopia signed an agreement exchanging Khat and Fish.

i welcome any trade but don't like khat. it should be banned.
if Ethiopia wants Fish, they can buy but should exchange it with money not Khat.
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Smart Ethiopians. Give your retarded neighbors more drugs so they can't run their country properly and take their nutritious fish since they already look down on it and clearly don't want to take advantage of their long coastline :mjlol: only Somalis would see this as good trade
This is so weird SL or Djibouti never signed this kind of trade agreement with Ethiopia involving Khat which brings no value to the nation's economy but Xamar govt was ok doing that waa yaab :snoop:
i welcome any trade but don't like khat. it should be banned.
if Ethiopia wants Fish, they can buy but should exchange it with money not Khat.
Crazy how they’re openly buying drugs at govt level with actual natural resource aka fish while at the same time claiming to be a Muslim nation lol. They prioritized drugs over food for their starving population and other goods that Ethiopia could’ve exported. Talk about a total lost cause.


This is an outgoing government so its a scramble for each minster to fill his pockets. This is normal but does this look official tho? All i see some guys infront of a plane with a sign saying grand opening :pachah1: no doubt the kenya ban will be lifted right after sharboweyne is gone.
Be prepared to see a mass of drugged up 10 year old shooting up places in Somalia from now on..
Khat will be everywhere and cheap...



Bantu Liberation Movement
This is so weird SL or Djibouti never signed this kind of trade agreement with Ethiopia involving Khat which brings no value to the nation's economy but Xamar govt was ok doing that waa yaab :snoop:
Buuqland have done the same...

It’s estimated that 90 percent of adult males in the autonomous region of Somaliland chew khat for mirqaan, the Somali word for its euphoric effect.

Somaliland has a chronic unemployment problem – about 75 percent of its workforce are jobless – although this doesn’t deter people from a monthly khat habit that can cost $300 a month.

Somaliland spends $524m a year – about 30 percent of its gross domestic product – on khat from Ethiopia, said Weli Daud with the Somaliland Ministry of Finance.

Khat has become so enmeshed with Somaliland’s culture and daily life it has become an important tax earner for the government. In 2014, khat sales generated 20 percent of the $152m budget.

Humble yourselves.