Somalia has 20 earthquake past year

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Southie pride
climate change?
Climate change has nothing to do with earthquake, it's mother nature get anger when people treat their land not proper way, they destroyed everything and wipe out all trees and made charcoal export to Arabia. Not only Bari, also Jubaland, Hiiran, and so on. Geedihii waa nabaad guuren bowe.
Climate change has nothing to do with earthquake, it's mother nature get anger when people treat their land not proper way, they destroyed everything and wipe out all trees and made charcoal export to Arabia.

While I agree that the deforestation going on right now is terrible, earth quakes dont happen because mother nature gets angry. That's some fob shit my hoyo ( or any older generation Somali ) would say. Reminds of my hoyo blaming me and my video games when I was a kid for the rampant malware that infected my home pc whenever my parents downloaded random shit.

Anyways sxb earthquakes usually happen because the earth is made up of a bunch of plates. Sort of like a puzzle piece, they fit together to makeup our land and ocean surfaces. As confusing as this sounds, the earth beneath us that we stand on everyday is constantly moving and in motion. Sometimes these different plates collide or grind against each other and they get stuck for a little bit. Even when they are stuck, the same forces that keep the plates always constantly moving are still pushing and pushing on them. Eventually they give away and all that energy that was built up from pushing on it to overcome friction is now released and spreads in every direction in the form of waves (think of like ripples in a pond when u drop something in it).

Here's where it get super interesting. If you look at the image below, Somalia and Yemen are royally fucked. Their located near 3 plate boundaries, where any of those can interact with each other and cause friction and subsequently a earthquake. Now Somalia is even more fucked because we're also on the East Africa Rift Zone. If you look again at the image, take a look at the legend on the bottom right. The dotted lines represent that East Africa Rift Zone. In a nut shell, that area represents two large areas of land that are slowly pulling away from each other. As a result you have the great mountain and volcano ranges you'll find in that area (ex: Kilimanjaro was formed through this process). Also earthquakes happen around this area too. Actually a lot of deadly ones happen around the East Africa Rift Zone, so that also could be a explanation.

Now here's the really cool part. Remember how i mentioned that earth is made up of a bunch of moving plates? Well we get our own plate (technically soon to be). . Going back to the East Africa Rift Zone. I said it's two large areas of the plate that are slowly drifting apart. The end result is that Somalia and perhaps part of Ethiopia (inshallah where our Ogaden brothers live) is going to drift away from Africa and form its own continent. Guys I'm not shitting you, if we're around for another 10-15 million years our country is going to become its own continent. If we can't solve our territorial disputes by then, mother nature will :yacadiim:

I went over it very broadly, if you want to read more about the Somali Plate and stuff :
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Nah but really the only reason I know this shit is cuz I'm minoring in Earth Sciences. Spent way too much time in labs staring at rocks and shit :francis:
better than staring at a wind tunnel and writing down the drag and lift coefficient :mjcry:


While I agree that the deforestation going on right now is terrible, earth quakes dont happen because mother nature gets angry. That's some fob shit my hoyo ( or any older generation Somali ) would say. Reminds of my hoyo blaming me and my video games when I was a kid for the rampant malware that infected my home pc whenever my parents downloaded random shit.

Anyways sxb earthquakes usually happen because the earth is made up of a bunch of plates. Sort of like a puzzle piece, they fit together to makeup our land and ocean surfaces. As confusing as this sounds, the earth beneath us that we stand on everyday is constantly moving and in motion. Sometimes these different plates collide or grind against each other and they get stuck for a little bit. Even when they are stuck, the same forces that keep the plates always constantly moving are still pushing and pushing on them. Eventually they give away and all that energy that was built up from pushing on it to overcome friction is now released and spreads in every direction in the form of waves (think of like ripples in a pond when u drop something in it).

Here's where it get super interesting. If you look at the image below, Somalia and Yemen are royally fucked. Their located near 3 plate boundaries, where any of those can interact with each other and cause friction and subsequently a earthquake. Now Somalia is even more fucked because we're also on the East Africa Rift Zone. If you look again at the image, take a look at the legend on the bottom right. The dotted lines represent that East Africa Rift Zone. In a nut shell, that area represents two large areas of land that are slowly pulling away from each other. As a result you have the great mountain and volcano ranges you'll find in that area (ex: Kilimanjaro was formed through this process). Also earthquakes happen around this area too. Actually a lot of deadly ones happen around the East Africa Rift Zone, so that also could be a explanation.

Now here's the really cool part. Remember how i mentioned that earth is made up of a bunch of moving plates? Well we get our own plate (technically soon to be). . Going back to the East Africa Rift Zone. I said it's two large areas of the plate that are slowly drifting apart. The end result is that Somalia and perhaps part of Ethiopia (inshallah where our Ogaden brothers live) is going to drift away from Africa and form its own continent. Guys I'm not shitting you, if we're around for another 10-15 million years our country is going to become its own continent. If we can't solve our territorial disputes by then, mother nature will :yacadiim:

I went over it very broadly, if you want to read more about the Somali Plate and stuff :
I dont wanna rain on your parade but theirs no such thing mother nature sxb.:comeon:
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