Somalia Lost $1B to Graft(diverted from the national budget )

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October 30, 2016

A former top financial manager in the Somali government has released a report detailing how over $1 billion was diverted from the national budget between 2013 and 2015.

Abdirazak Fartaag worked as the head of the Public Finance Management Unit between 2009 and 2011 and his report was released on October 26.

In the report titled Breaking Point in Somalia: How state failure was financed and by whom, the whistleblower says the government receives and spends more money from donors and domestic revenue than they account for.

“The deliberate deficiencies of the government in developing functional structures and accountable management controls have been conduits for budget diversion. The money is used to fund insurgencies, private investments and Islamic institutions, which fuels further anarchy in the country,” said Mr Fartaag.

For instance, the government’s expenditure for the three years stood at $169 million, while Mr Fartaag’s reconciliation stands at $1.2 billion, which means over $1 billion is unaccounted for.

“Money from western and Arab donors, and domestic revenue are normally under-declared and expenditures inflated to allow diversions to local and international non-governmental organisation’s owned by politicians,” said Mr Fartaag.

But Daud Aweis, the spokesperson at the Office of the President, dismissed the allegations saying that; “Fartaag is well known as a person who is politically motivated and produces false allegations. His allegations do not deserve any attention.”

Mr Fartaag — who was in the PM’s office during the Transitional Federal Government and has been writing regular reports since 2012 — said members of parliament, local militias, private universities and Islamic organisations with links to Somalia’s leadership are also beneficiaries of the diverted funds

“We have established a public finance management system that is sound and has been tested by our international partners; we also streamlined tax collection,” said President Mohamud.

Mr Fartaag, who is currently the chief executive of the Fartaag Research & Consulting firm based in Nairobi, calls for a continental audit by the African Union.
Kill the corrupted politicians not the messenger, remember 5 millions Somalis are suffering from malnutrition.
Somalias budget for last year was $216 million and you're saying they've his 5 times that aka $1 Billion ?:childplease: And this is from the same guy who wrote about the Hawiye Cartel Groups?:pachah1:
Kill the corrupted politicians not the messenger, remember 5 millions Somalis are suffering from malnutrition.
I agree. But I think you forgot the budget was created and looked over by the Prime Minister and his appointed Ministry of Finance and Minister of Finance. Neither of whom are Hawiye. And the Parliament in return passed it
"MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 18, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s Council of Ministers passed a budget standing at $216 million for 2015-2016 fiscal year in an overwhelming vote with Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed present on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports."

:patrice:u still want them dead or nah :mjswag:
Somalias budget for last year was $216 million and you're saying they've his 5 times that aka $1 Billion ?:childplease: And this is from the same guy who wrote about the Hawiye Cartel Groups?:pachah1:

I agree. But I think you forgot the budget was created and looked over by the Prime Minister and his appointed Ministry of Finance and Minister of Finance. Neither of whom are Hawiye. And the Parliament in return passed it
"MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 18, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s Council of Ministers passed a budget standing at $216 million for 2015-2016 fiscal year in an overwhelming vote with Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed present on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports."

:patrice:u still want them dead or nah :mjswag:

Shoot him plus confiscate all his money
Somalias budget for last year was $216 million and you're saying they've his 5 times that aka $1 Billion ?:childplease: And this is from the same guy who wrote about the Hawiye Cartel Groups?:pachah1:

I agree. But I think you forgot the budget was created and looked over by the Prime Minister and his appointed Ministry of Finance and Minister of Finance. Neither of whom are Hawiye. And the Parliament in return passed it
"MOGADISHU, Somalia Nov 18, 2014 (Garowe Online)-Federal Government of Somalia’s Council of Ministers passed a budget standing at $216 million for 2015-2016 fiscal year in an overwhelming vote with Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed Mohamed present on Tuesday, Garowe Online reports."

:patrice:u still want them dead or nah :mjswag:

216 millions was number that was mentioned in public but the real budget or money is more than, second HSM took over accounts & properties belonged to Somali government in Europe & United States. Third, HSM requested Yussur Abrar (manager of central bank) to deposit those money in private account in South Africa but she said no and left Somalia for fear for her life.
216 millions was number that was mentioned in public but the real budget or money is more than, second HSM took over accounts & properties belonged to Somali government in Europe & United States. Third, HSM requested Yussur Abrar (manager of central bank) to deposit those money in private account in South Africa but she said no and left Somalia for fear for her life.
Why you blaming HSM and never anybody else?

The Prime Minister and his Ministry of Finance control the budget. Ask them
The first 3 names said no clearly to HSM, Sharmarke is their last resort for past 8 years.
Back at it again. Twisting everything into being HSM fault.

They've all been behind creating Somalias National Budget and appointing the Ministry of Finance. HSM didn't fire them, they were voted out by the Parliament which HSM does not control or they resigned themselves. HSM only appoints Prime Ministers who then have to be approved by the Parliament.
He is the big boss and it's his job that he took oath on it.
It's not his job though. He appointed the Prime Minister to do that job, and the Prime Minister appointed the Ministry of Science. HSM is not a dictator nor does he wield incredible power

Only way it's HSM fault is if you say he appointed incompetent Prime Minister, which you would never say because they're Darood and not Hawiye.

The Prime Minister and Finance Ministers took an oath too but ofc that's not relevant to you.
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