Somalia: Mislead The Somali People to Stay in Power Illegally

MOGADISHU (HAN) April 10. 2021. Public Diplomacy and Regional Stability Initiatives News. Monitoring Regional Issues. Opinion BY: Prof. Hussein A. Hussein
. A dishonest thinking that they can mislead and dupe everybody. When in fact the facts infront of them are practically impossible to overcome with such a letter replete with totally untrue, dishonest and misleading language. It is very dangerous to think that you can fool all the people all time. In my view, It is only a last desperate attempt to stay in power illegally. All Somalis are watching this never ending political entanglement that Farmaajo put their country into. This is a sad and an embarrassing failure after four years of political infighting. Farmaajo’s actions and dictatorial thinking will only bring the country back into the warlords hay days.

Not only does this administration lie, pays desperate people to lie for them, scam the people, put out a fake nationalism campaign, when infact this failure of a president doesn't care about anyone else but himself. Farmajo will go down in the history as the worst Somali president, an Ethiopian concubine, alcoholic, insecure midget.

couldn't say it better than myself