Somalia nears debt relief

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Make Hobyo Great Again
The full paper is here.
I just wanted to share some interesting figures.
Debt Figure 1.jpg
Debt Figure 2.jpg
Debt Figure 3.jpg
Debt Figure 4.jpg
Debt Figure 5.jpg
Debt Figure 6.jpg

AfDB: African Development Bank
DPO: Development Policy Operation (of the World Bank)
DSA: Debt Sustainability Analysis
DSF: Debt Sustainability Framework
ECF: Extended Credit Facility
FCAS: Fragile and Conflict Affected Situations
FGS: Federal Government of Somalia
HIPC: Heavily Indebted Poor Country
IDA: International Development Agency
IFI: International Financial Institutions
IMF: International Monetary Fund
MDRI: Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative
NDP: National Development Plan
NDS: New Partnership for Somalia
NPV: Net Present Value
PRSP: Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
SCF: Standby Credit-Facility
SMP: Staff Monitored Program
TSF: Transitional Support Facility
TWG: Technical Working Group
UCT: Upper Credit Tranche


What happens when we get access to international loans? Will they spend it on much needed infrastructure or destabilizing federal states?
Thank you Nabad & Nolol

After 30 years, we will finally recover our credit worthiness. Big thanks to Minister Beileh and his team. 2019 will be a big year for Somalia :nvjpqts:


Make Hobyo Great Again
Thank you Nabad & Nolol

After 30 years, we will finally recover our credit worthiness. Big thanks to Minister Beileh and his team. 2019 will be a big year for Somalia :nvjpqts:
I have to say that in between threatening the life of an honest woman and a telling male citizen to show him his balls just because he wanted to know what the minister spent on the millions that he stole, the Honourable Minister Beileh is doing a fantastic job. Nabad iyo Nolol.


Seeker of knowledge and truth
I have to say that in between threatening the life of an honest woman and a telling male citizen to show him his balls just because he wanted to know what the minister spent on the millions that he stole, the Honourable Minister Beileh is doing a fantastic job. Nabad iyo Nolol.
African Union just riding the bandwagon.
They know the cancellation is imminent.

Somalia is heading to a great future, au, igad and all the other nonsense African organisation better start singing to our liking
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