Somalia Parliament passes new the Immigration Bill


Forza Somalia!
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Immigration laws and citizenship changed? Will we now allow foreigners in the future to vote and become Somali citizens? damn shame UN got this parliament on lock what ever they say they pass.


So you don't need to have a Somali father to get a citizenship anymore?
Yes from what’s been said by people familiar with the bill, it allows half Somalis with non-Somali fathers get citizenship and vote in elections.

Not many people will take advantage of this if we’re honest. Hardly any of these half Somali kids want to go back to somalia. The actual bigger issue is the Oromo and other neighbours who can vote and become Somali citizens

Ximan iyo Xadeed

It’s passed the lower house on 3rd reading and is going to the upper House for its final vote before the president signs.

The UN/IC wants this desperately
The goal is to dilute the ethnic make up of the country

What stops say a Bantu soldier from Uganda who's married to a Madowweyne from getting naturalized, or the Yemeni shop keeper, or the Syrian dentist. The Somali citizenship means they have the right to become sole owners of businesses, buy land and we have to compete with ajaanib in our soil.
They need to revaluate this bill. The UN/US know Somalis are ethnonationalists are trying to erase the Somali identity. Oromos and Bantus will take over if this happens. This why they want Somalia to join the EAC as well.

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
No way,

You need Hoyoo iyo Abo Somali to get citizenship, they're trying to let the Oromos in!


Guul iyo Gobanimo
Yes from what’s been said by people familiar with the bill, it allows half Somalis with non-Somali fathers get citizenship and vote in elections.

Not many people will take advantage of this if we’re honest. Hardly any of these half Somali kids want to go back to somalia. The actual bigger issue is the Oromo and other neighbours who can vote and become Somali citizens
tbh I just want a finished constitution that is standardized in all federal states.


Still, these types of bills being voted on without prior discussion or publication became prevalent these days
15 bills are in the pipeline. This is the most productive parliament we’ve ever had. It’s due to the IC using debt relief as an excuse to get a lot of things that used to be unable to pass. If you listen to parliament a lot of MPs are just saying ‘let’s stop taking so long, we have September deadline for IMF debt relief’

tbh I just want a finished constitution that is standardized in all federal states.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they finish the constitution (by adding a bunch of amendments). But the problem has always been it will remain provisional till SL rejoins because it would be effectively accepting Somaliland’s independence when you can’t have a referendum in Hargiesa but Garowe, Dhusamareb, Jowhar, Mogadishu, Baydhabo, Kismayo vote on it.


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