Somalia was the only Muslim and African country to vote “yes” on holding debate on the rights situation in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur region.


He is president of Somalia and needs to think about somalias best interest. Culusow gives two shits about starving somalis you think he cares about chinise Muslims?

He was forced to do this by the xalane mafia.
I like the US over China, but I would have abstained from this, because its not in our interest to alienate china, this is a bad decision HSM is unhinged, focus on Alshabab and stop ruining Somalia foreign policy.
Read some Quran
He was told by his xalane masters to vote. It is the opposite of being a man. Farmaajo would have probably obstained as picking a side usa vs China does not benefit somalia.
nobody cares about uyghur. they only care about their allies. somalia voted yes only because the US wants it to. and pakistan voted no because china wants it to
I like the US over China, but I would have abstained from this, because its not in our interest to alienate china, this is a bad decision HSM is unhinged, focus on Alshabab and stop ruining Somalia foreign policy.

+1, this actually makes the US, and by extension the West, look pathetic. #oomalia, the 3 kilometre bunk government on life support is the only one voting yes, all other Muslim governments voted no.

Let's just say for arguments sake the genocide claim is real, do people really believe the West have the best interests of Muslim lives? I mean look at Yemen, Libya, Syria and so on, I never saw this outrage of having them pay for their actions, nothing.

This is just to hurt/encircle China, Geopolitics 101.


Just look at the list. all muslim, african and almost all asian countries are against it and western colonialists that have killed millions of muslims and colonised the world support it. whose side would you rather be on? the uygher genocide is made up by the west to attack china.
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Just look at the list. all muslim and african countries are against it and western colonialists that have killed millions of muslims and colonised the world support it. whose side would you rather be on? the uygher genocide is made up by the west to attack china.

The West no joke went HALF way across the world to destroy the MIDDLE EAST & NORTH AFRICA, China is then ACCUSED of enacting a genocide INSIDE their own borders with hardly any evidence, with most of the Muslim worlds governments not even voting at the UN to recognise it, this by the same West who have the blood of MILLIONS on their hands, and they call us Chinese/Russian patsies.
Neutral idiot, stay fucking neutral. :wtfdis:
Hasn’t he learned from his mistakes in the Egypt VS Ethiopia case? He had to apologize to a 3rd world leader who’s in a civil war. He flew to his country after picking sides and allying with Egypt. Always stay neutral, you don’t have an army, you don’t have a government, Xalane just moved its base to Nairobi. Why the hell are you picking cotton for America? Man I love the USA but I wouldn’t go to war for it. Everything starts at home, you’re selling aid to locals when you’re suppose to be distributing it to the poor. But you expect us to believe you care about Chinese Muslims. But out of curiosity, i’m confused when did the democrats start caring about Muslims? :dead:
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What stupid idiots in this thread. This was a Xalane directive. If the topic is human rights why no votes on Palestine where the populace men, women, children are sniped like deer by IDF? Where are the votes on Kashmiir?

The course would have been to obstain. Somalia, Muslim countries We’ll deal with China on our own terms not, in a method where we’re choosing between two competing interests West Vs China.


+1, this actually makes the US, and by extension the West, look pathetic. #oomalia, the 3 kilometre bunk government on life support is the only one voting yes, all other Muslim governments voted no.

Let's just say for arguments sake the genocide claim is real, do people really believe the West have the best interests of Muslim lives? I mean look at Yemen, Libya, Syria and so on, I never saw this outrage of having them pay for their actions, nothing.

This is just to hurt/encircle China, Geopolitics 101.
who cares about the west though, I commented about Somalia, this decision shows Somalia has zero foreign policy now, back to the drawing board as soon as HSM got into office everything went down hill.
Why vote yes when you need the Chinese to remove the arms embargo at the UN?

Somalia also voted to condemn Russia at the UN. This is strange behaviour for a government that needs friends in the security council to remove the embargo. The Americans and Europeans will never remove it as they don't trust the Somali government. That leaves only China & Russia as permanent members. But we vote against both of them in the UN.

Looks like begging is the government's only strategy for removing the embargo. It's their only strategy for the famine so why not for foreign policy as well?


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
@AbdiFreedom wasn’t capping when he said SSpot users deny the Uyghur genocide.

You guys blind or something? Muslims are getting massacred but you care more about “not siding with the US” than their lives.



@AbdiFreedom wasn’t capping when he said SSpot users deny the Uyghur genocide.

You guys blind or something? Muslims are getting massacred but you care more about “not siding with the US” than their lives.

A few CBB do yes but you should be aware they are anti-America due to it’s support to the opposition in the election process when Farmaajo was just trying to go all dictator. They are bitter and should be paid no heed.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
A few CBB do yes but you should be aware they are anti-America due to it’s support to the opposition in the election process when Farmaajo was just trying to go all dictator. They are bitter and should be paid no heed.

Imagine your whole world view being revolving around a nigga called “Cheese”.



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