Somalia Will Rise To Glory In The Near Future!

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First things first, Rest in Peace Uncle Phil.

Having said that, Somalia ha noolaato and all but don't you think we ought to write an algorithm to reduce the size of our foreheads though? Nigga we out here looking like the Asgaards from SG1.
but don't you think we ought to write an algorithm to reduce the size of our foreheads though? Nigga we out here looking like the Asgaards from SG1.

Saaxiib we are a special unique breed of human kind, We need to embrace it and hold it up as sign of pride. Our forehead is symbolic, its a sign of pure Nobility!!


Oberbefehlshaber der Somalier Genetik Gruppe
Isaaqs are 30 years ahead of Darood. they decided in '88 to abandon 'somaliweyn', yet here on this forum you have Darood now saying they should abandon muqdisho:hemad:
Soomaaliyey Toosooo

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