It's maddening to think that such a beautiful landscape and geography is currently being occupied by the most primitive, the most backward, the most savage, the most mentally feeble of people to ever walk the Earth, the Somalians, are currently occupying this breathtaking and resource-rich peninsula. They are a failed state and have failed continuously as a people to implement any sort of lasting governance and restore a measure of law and order without the help of foreigners. May this always be the case. These people deserve to be landlocked and live in a desert, barren region where they can carry on their seemingly endless wars, skirmishes, savagery, and destruction until the day of judgement for all everyone else cares. But, please give the land up to civilized people who clearly deserve it, such as the Amhara and the Kikuyu. This will be the Somali peninsula within the next 2 decades:
And if all cogs of the great ancient plan are turning as they should be, within this or the next century this will be the progress made: