Somalias potential.

Internet Nomad

Let me highlight some facts that i hope will open your mind on Somaliweyns potential.


Somalia has an estimated 10,200 tonnes of uranium reserves, with 7,600 tonnes of it potentially commercially recoverable, though at relatively high expense​


Oil & Gas
According to 2D seismic conducted by TGS in 2014, there could be 30 billion barrels of crude across 15 blocks

"I think the potential is there for multiple tens of billions of barrels, recoverable, or even more over time," Anderson said. "Just the areas we are looking at would be in that range, in the upside case, and that is just in our blocks."


HydroElectric dams
It is imperative to note that an estimated 100 to 120 MW of hydropower is said to be available in Somalia, yet the country is currently only extracting 4% of it.

Wind and Solar
The Stimson Center explains that β€œSomalia has the highest resource potential for onshore wind power in Africa and the country experiences 3,000 hours of sunlight per year with daily solar radiation ranging between 5-7 kWh/m2 per day, which equates to strong solar photovoltaic electricity generation capacity.” Furthermore, Somalia β€œcould potentially produce up to 45,000 MW from wind and 2,000 MW from solar power.”

Djibouti has a geothermal potential estimated at 1,000 MW, enough to meet the country’s electricity demand, of which 50% of the population does not yet have access to electricity.


Somalia once had the biggest salt factory in the world. The Hafun Salt Factory was established in the Hafun area in northern Italian Somalia. Before the destruction of the salt factory, the plant produced about 200,000 metric tons of salt which were mainly exported to Far East Asia.

This is just dip in the ocean when it comes to somalias potential I haven’t even began on lifestock and blue economy.
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Internet Nomad

If somaliweyn was only using its natural resources to its full potential without producing anything else it would still lead us to reach 1st world status.

We have so much energy we could power horn africa if we wanted to.

This is why i say somalia is sitting on top ten best locations in the world.

I say to the Somali people just like a beautiful wife you have geerah(protective jealousy) over her we should have geerah over Somaliweyn.

Dont let oromos and other take up our land one by one our land is so valuable you dont understand what your giving up until you lost it.
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Internet Nomad

@Three Moons what do you think saxib? Do you think this is a fair analysis on the potential energy production of somaliweyn?
@Three Moons what do you think saxib? Do you think this is a fair analysis on the potential energy production of somaliweyn?

Excellent thread, modern technology has advanced significantly enough that almost everything from Uranium, to rare Earth minerals to offshore oil reserves are all commercially viable, and when you combine this with the agricultural resources, renewables, Fisheries, the ports, the strategic location and you have a country that could be transformed in a single generation. To be honest thinking about Somalia’s potential gives me;


Internet Nomad

Excellent thread, modern technology has advanced significantly enough that almost everything from Uranium, to rare Earth minerals to offshore oil reserves are all commercially viable, and when you combine this with the agricultural resources, renewables, Fisheries, the ports, the strategic location and you have a country that could be transformed in a single generation. To be honest thinking about Somalia’s potential gives me;

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I would even say if Somalia cannot get foreign investment they should get in debt to finance all these projects as they are a guarantee payback.

Internet Nomad

I fail to believe there isn't one individual in Somalia's government that thinks like you. Somalia needs people like you.
Imagine looking at this guy and try telling him what geothermal is.

The system is over run by complacent odeys who have no real knowledge of the world except qabil politics and only got their rank through nepotism or qabil ties.

I swear if you trained 60 of the most intelligent somalis to run the government it would look like singapore tomorrow.