SomaliaUnited forced British Minister to delete tweet

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Weeping for the Nation of 68

In his previous tweet Mr.Gavin said Two countries Somaliland and UK.
SomaliaUnited threatened that one-sided recognition will lead to new civilwar much worse than the one in the 80's and 90's. And that his tweet is hostile one.

After reading these comments, mr Gavin deleted his previous tweet.


Highly Respected
SomaliaUnited continues to be a controversial force on twitter. the impact his tweets have is mind boggling.


Somalia has one Somalia policy similar to China's one China policy. Any country that tries to change that will face backlash.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
Somalia has one Somalia policy similar to China's one China policy. Any country that tries to change that will face backlash.

Mudane if i ever capture Somalia, u will be second commander in Chief kkkk

Imagine all the ladies that will visit ur bed kkkk


Reformation of Somaliland
So desperate you guys making 3 threads about every somaliland news topic. You Somalia fanboys are like the crazy girls that can't take a hint. Don't want you
In 30 years jeegaanland's best achievement has been a tweet that was deleted shortly after :mjlaugh:

Indeed the people of F street have been an utter failure :wow:
Ninkani wuxu u yimi si wax uga ogaado report ciidamada jeegaanta laga qoray oo la sheegay ina shicibka loo adeegsado iyo inay dagaalada qabiilada ka qaybqaataan oo reeraha qaarkood la saftaan. Uk jeegaanta waxay ka caawisaa dhisidda iyo tababarka ciidamada markaa hadii waxa lagu eedeeyey cadaymo loo helo Britain xidhiidhka ayay u jaraysaa jeegaanta.
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