Somaliland declares unilateral ceasefire

Somaliland's strategy is to force talks between the two sides so in the short term Laascaanood will be free wich is a win for Dhulbahante but if every thing stops here it means a win for SL in the long term for controlling the rest of Sool. Who will mediate between the two? Dhulbahante are against Djibouti and are welcoming Ethiopia instead. Ethiopia is pro SL too if not hosted by the DDS.

SFG cannot because of SL.

WOW we have educated Garaad
SSC is winning the long term not Cuqdadland. the resistance in Laascanood is not only meant to be a quick decisive victory against SNM. Somaliland May have the manpower but SSC has the narrative. Somaliland’s entire viewpoint and agenda to the international community is Muhh “Isaaq genocide” we deserve to be recognized!
the war crimes in SSC will be the Achilles heel in stopping Somaliland from ever gaining recognition.

The international community has now cut off the aid being given to the Hargeisa regime. That is why Muse Bihi & goons asked for a fake ceasefire because they know their entire fake administration is built on international donor-ship
When Farmaajo was president Somaliland used to receive aid under Somalia’s name. one hand they accept aid under Somalia on the other they pretend to be independent! they claim that they are fighting terrorists but what government begs for ceasefire against “terrorists”.

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The Ethiopian government led by Abiy Ahmed is not against SSC, you are probably mistaking it for the fallen TPLF Junta who helped establish the Somaliland project. the Garaad of Dhulbahante tribe has been residing in Jigjiga city before he was finally able to go back to his own deegaan (Laascanood) in over 15 years. Tplf used to claim that Onlf was residing in sool region and forced Somaliland to start its occupation against the wadani people of SSC. Now that’s no longer the case. The falsehood has been exposed. SSC people deserve their own state. Somaliland is a clan regime clear as day.
The people of SSC killed in Laascanood are dying with sharaf and bravery. their martyrs are being buried with dignity while the mercenaries shipped from Oog & Burco are dying on barren forsaken lands 200 kms away from home.

they neither have any relatives to bury them nor anyone else to sympathize for them. their cold bodies lay dead on the hot rocks located on the outskirts of Laascanood.

the lucky ones who were able to escape or be rescued are filling up the hospital beds in Hargeisa. the quicker they withdraw their terrorists from Laascanood the better it would be for the families of these cannon fodders 👇🏾

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