Somaliland & Israel; the relationship that started with a love letter in 1995.

"In 1995, former President Egal of Somaliland also wrote a letter to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin seeking to establish diplomatic ties between the two countries"

I could not post the long thesis on here, but you can read it in full here;

He signed the long ass thesis "letter" with

I have the honour to remain,
Your Obedient Servant
Mohamed Ibrahim Egal
President Republic of Somaliland
Fast forward to 2020

Somaliland Joins World In Hailing Israel And UAE Diplomatic Deal

They're in talks right now, read more here;

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The want the recognition they would never receive


Certified Liin Distributor
This is most likely a fake FKD letter, bring a better source than

He himself denied the letter as having existed

Other Isaaqs forged the 'Subeer Awal Manifesto' supposedly from Cigaal in the 90s to paint us as secretly trying to create some deep state for ourselves inside the newly formed Somaliland


Who cares if we talk to Israel or not, countless other Muslim nations do it, no one is denying the Palestinian people's right to a state
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@Helios @PuntiteQueen

Some Israeli CIA equivalent top guy told the media ''soon another Horn of Africa will formalize ties with Israel''.

I think it most likely will be Djibouti. I will be floored if it is Somalia.

I am conflicted as a Somali Muslim.

One one hand, I feel we should stay out of Semite/Arab business but on the other hand, I can see the injustice and their enmity to Islam.


I am conflicted as a Somali Muslim.

One one hand, I feel we should stay out of Semite/Arab business but on the other hand, I can see the injustice and their enmity to Islam.

From a realist international relations perspective (this is a type of foreign policy philosophy):

Somalia has now nothing to lose from formalizing diplomatic ties with Israel since many other Arab League countries already have done so. It won't negatively impact Somalia if they did it now.

The benefit: we don't have these all powerful Jews who run many top global organizations and are heavy influencers of US foreign policy against us.
From a realist international relations perspective (this is a type of foreign policy philosophy):

Somalia has now nothing to lose from formalizing diplomatic ties with Israel since many other Arab League countries already have done so. It won't negatively impact Somalia if they did it now.

The benefit: we don't have these all powerful Jews who run many top global organizations and are heavy influencers of US foreign policy against us.


Somaliland can be our guinea pigs, report back to us about Israeli relations. We'll send you moral support.




Somaliland can be our guinea pigs, report back to us about Israeli relations. We'll send you moral support.


It would be a disaster for the Mogadishu government (Federal Somalia) if Israel recognized Somaliland. Then you got the first ''official'' country who did and it could lead to a domino effect.

Another realist point: outsmart Somaliland and let them not have that chance.

Somaliland can be our guinea pigs, report back to us about Israeli relations. We'll send you moral support.


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Israel was among the first nations to recognize the State ofSimaaliland in 1960 but a reunited SomaaliRepublic should support Palestinian rights and peace in Israel but the focus of foreign policy will hopefully be Africa and Indian Ocean to Red Sea area not trying to manage Israeli Palestinian disputes


can't wait for either PL or SL to start relation with Israel. not because i care, but just see the amount of cope and deflection.
It would be a disaster for the Mogadishu government (Federal Somalia) if Israel recognized Somaliland. Then you got the first ''official'' country who did and it could lead to a domino effect.

Another realist point: outsmart Somaliland and let them not have that chance.
Your are very oblivious, that’s not how politics works. Believe it or not, you can actually hold on to your principals and still get your will through. And by principle I hope you understand what I mean as in ( Somalia = Muslims nation). And what comes with that package.


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