Somaliland: Keep Ideology Out of K–12 Education

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I'm glad someone is finally addressing this problem. This is an issue that has been on my mind for a while now, many private schools are not regulated in Somaliland potentially exposing young students to poisonous ideologies such as Wahhabism. I don't want to see Saudi extremist ideologies being taught in our schools but this govt is too much under their influence I don't see them doing anything about it.
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I swear to God it is probably far better in the long term to have an entire generation with no education at all than a generation of wahhabist.
If you take money from gulf wahhabist and their local prostitutes you sell your nations future. End of.
If someone decided to start a secular school teaching secular principles, how long would it stay open? How many people would be comfortable sending their kids there? How many tribal elders, politicians and businessmen would make sure it got shut down quick? How many of the teaching staff would be harassed or worst?

And which of the two schools is more dangerous to the kids themselves as well as the community?
Simply go back to per war curriculum, end of story
No we are not part of the former Somali Republic anymore plus the the old one was full of Kacaan propaganda, Somaliland's Ministry of Education already has one for the public schools they just need to be implemented in all the private schools too.


Pepe Trump
I personally think education as a whole should be made secular. Public and private schools are responsible for preparing young students for the world around them so that they can better themselves and their countrymen. Religious education should be kept within the boundaries of malcamad and not have it interfere with secular education.

However, I doubt anything like this will happen, Somalis have gotten even more religious since the war thanks to Arab/gulf money.
Somaliland Puntland you name it
The education sector MUST BE REGULATED to save our self, children and our country.

We should NEVER allow a WaHabi school teaching/funding/aid organasation.

Nimankaan aan iska qabano,
The WaHabi organasation/countries will give you money to built WaHabi school,
But they wouldn't fund or built hospital/ water wells/ water plant/ factories and etc.
If someone decided to start a secular school teaching secular principles, how long would it stay open? How many people would be comfortable sending their kids there? How many tribal elders, politicians and businessmen would make sure it got shut down quick? How many of the teaching staff would be harassed or worst?

And which of the two schools is more dangerous to the kids themselves as well as the community?
thats a good question. you'd probably be killed and your school would be flattened.
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