Somaliland Packs Refugee list To America


The amount of SL towns and even Djibouti and Dire Dawa is sad.

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A Laandheere always pays his debts
What makes it sad? Moving to the West in 2024 is like using your small boat to climb onto the Titanic, yes it is bigger, more luxurious and looks like it is going further but reality and in theory aren't the same. Wish them all the best regardless may Allah swt safeguard their Eeman
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Tahriib only happens in extremely urbanized areas, the living conditions there if you are poor is absolute trash. That’s why reer djibouti and sacad muse tahriib way more than everyone else.
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Let him cook
What makes it sad? Moving to the West in 2024 is like using your small boat to climb onto the Titanic, yes it is bigger, more luxurious and looks like it is going further but reality and in theory aren't the same. Wish them all the best regardless may Allah swt safeguard their Eeman
this is wild take these are poor refuges back home who probably surivivng on money sent from west. if you come to america its like winning lottery for most of world. Even places like india and south america all wish they can come forget about somalia that i cant think of having one thing going good for it. terrible weather, safety, economy , education.


Let him cook
I dont believe this list. America doesnt take refugees anymore from somalia. They banned it during trump era and no one lifted it. The trump adminstration said somalis are lying about their real names and records. Basically saying they cant tell who is al shabab or who is regular citizen. This is due to govt being weak and having no records for anyone. So anyone can make up whatever story they want and america has to believe it beucase somali govt cant provide paper trail. to be safe democrats never lifted ban becuase they know republicans and trump will use it against them

if you are somali refugree in kenya and ethiopa you have a chance
Why are we letting the ladies go wtf? That’s so embarrassing. They don’t contribute anything but scrounge benefits and scream qabyaalad. They’ll probably produce half caste babies too. Ladies shouldn’t be doing tahriib whatsoever leave that to the men like everyone else does, they should reject them

You should be angry at the men that made it so that Somali women, have to go abroad to seek a living; their male relatives/husbands etc. Instead of slandering miskeen women, who are forced to find their own way in life.

Since when do Somali women scrounge benefits? Are you referring to qaxooti mothers, who need money to raise children, whose fathers are absent, or neglectful. And they also work/ed to supplement their income.

Even back in Somalia, women are reported to have the smallest number of small businesses. So, again, where are you getting this nonsense from.

And 'half-caste' babies. What?
Why are they all women?

A society where men are not the main breadwinner, that's why. If we had simple laws, that made men responsible for their children, financially, less Somali hooyos would be inclined to go abroad. But this is what happens, when deadbeats, can deadbeat, to the sound of applause from other men screaming "laandheere, caruur badan noo dhal".

