Somaliland presidential minister begs Farmaajo admin to respect base deal with HSM

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As many have said before out it was HSM admin that allowed
the base deal, Somaliland can't sign things by itself since it is
not legally recognized country.

FAADEEXAD:-Maxamuud Xaashi oo Qiray in Heshiiska Saldhiga ay Wada Saxeexeen Somaliya
What a desperate fool asking farmaajo's new government to respect the deal between culusow and somaliland.

Farmaajo should find a way to get rid of this awful deal.
SL is moving forward and doesn't concern the starving skinnies in neighbouring a
Stay mad u ungrateful bastards. You do know the famine is affecting the whole country right? That includes the ictraaash state too.
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Dhay Geel

"Aar kow Dheh"
This is all lies.
Wasir Maxamuud Xashi did not say anything because nothing happened. He just sent out a message to farmaajos government to to interfere with SL politics.

As far the SL and Somalia talks under HSM nothing big came out of it. Somaliland wanted to control the air space for both countries as Hargeisa was seen safer the Xamar and the better option for the Somali community. Maxamuud Xashi the guy speaking was the airline and air space minister. But Somalia broke the deal out of jealousy and the airspace is still controlled by foreign countries.

In fact the only positive thing that came out those talks was HSM and Silanyo agreed on was the economy. Silanyo having a master degree in economics persuaded HSM for Somalia not the intervene in SL economy. HSM agreed because he was not a xasid like farmajo and wanted development for all Somali people, as long as he got a cut.

Silanyo being a great politician went to the UAE and signed the DP world deal with them, HSM got angry because he did not get a penny. He tried threatening SL but silanyo ignored him because he knew HSM had no power to stop the deal.

As for Maxamuud Xashi he is saying to Farmaajo. Look we had a deal with HSM not to get involved in SL economic, hold your side of the deal. But South Somalia is always known for breaking it's part of the deal.


Well that means the Somalia government has to power to interfere and do as they wish otherwise the minister wouldn't be
crying to the Farmaajo admin not to interfere. At the end of the day the gov in Mogadishu is the legally recognized government
of all Somalia and their stamp actually matters.

Dhay Geel

"Aar kow Dheh"
Well that means the Somalia government has to power to interfere and do as they wish otherwise the minister wouldn't be
crying to the Farmaajo admin not to interfere. At the end of the day the gov in Mogadishu is the legally recognized government
of all Somalia and their stamp actually matters.

They can't interfere in this deal it's a done deal. That is why Farmaajo had to to the Saudi's. if he could he would have stopped it.

The only bad thing Somalia can do to us is chase away future investment. They can only pull out Somaliland is legally part of Somalia to the investors. They are getting really desperate it's their only card left.


Don't blame the Farmaajo adminstration otherwise if they don't set a new policy every tom and dick will set up
a military base in Somalia without approval.
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