Somaliland Secession Solution


If Somaliland is truly determined for secession and isn't some smoke screen for land grabs or working with Hawiye to secure an Irir federation.

If their people want to leave, the only thing we must demand is they leave alone the regions who don't want to join their madness, this includes Awdal, SSC, Makhir.

Second demand is they must lose the Somali language as an official language just like Djibouti did. Your children can become like Jamaicans for all we care.

Somali language is a mother that unifies 5 clans, no clan owns it, any clan who chooses to leave must also surrender the language. Awalba Jack Kahin iyo Michael Mariamo ayaad ahaydeen make English official language in Somaliland Republic plus surrender the Somali name of your country.


I really think SL secession is just a smoke screen for Irirism to continue their PLAN B project a colonial federation. PL and JL under Mogadishu, SSC and Makhir under Hargeisa in a twin capital model.

All their conflict is centred around Darods. Why are Darods so special? It shocks me truly, that 7 million or so people are divided by Kenya and Ethiopia and now within Somalia and all of it is due to the UK hatred of Darods. Something not right about that, something not damn kosher at all.
If Somaliland is truly determined for secession and isn't some smoke screen for land grabs or working with Hawiye to secure an Irir federation.

If their people want to leave, the only thing we must demand is they leave alone the regions who don't want to join their madness, this includes Awdal, SSC, Makhir.

Second demand is they must lose the Somali language as an official language just like Djibouti did. Your children can become like Jamaicans for all we care.

Somali language is a mother that unifies 5 clans, no clan owns it, any clan who chooses to leave must also surrender the language. Awalba Jack Kahin iyo Michael Mariamo ayaad ahaydeen make English official language in Somaliland Republic plus surrender the Somali name of your country.

I agree lkn luuqada Somali xaq bey uleeyihiin waa dad soomaaliyeed. Most people don't care if they created Isaaq state from their degaans lkn Hooyo gaajo UK and iyo Aabo laandheere US and rest of the world won't allow this.


I agree lkn luuqada Somali xaq bey uleeyihiin waa dad soomaaliyeed. Most people don't care if they created Isaaq state from their degaans lkn Hooyo gaajo UK and iyo Aabo laandheere US and rest of the world won't allow this.

They can speak it in their homes if they want like Kenya does, all public spaces or matters must be done in the colonial tongue. Plus they need to surrender the Somali Name and call themselves Isaaqese republic and English is official language since their claim to statehood lies on colonialism.

Give it a few decades they will be no different to Kenyans with English first Names and Somali last names. Losing a language is equivalent to identity genocide.

