Somaliland transporting their remaining weapons and military vehicles to Borama to subjugate the locals

:susp: It's pathetic that after Somaliland got karbaashed hard by the Dhullos they are now taking their anger out on the helpless Gadabursi

:ohlord: Gadabursi are about to witness an another 1991 Dilla Massacre
People sure do love fake news.

That's not Borama but West Hargeisa - Jigjiga Yar neighbourhood. Crown hotel in the back.
People sure do love fake news.

That's not Borama but West Hargeisa - Jigjiga Yar neighbourhood. Crown hotel in the back.View attachment 300627

Either you are an idiot or simply have ZERO comprehension, the video talks about the weapons and vehicles of Somalilands leaving Hargeisa and are heading to Borama to subjugate the Gadabursi uprising there.


1 tank kkkkkkk they used to show 10 tanks. 9 has been added to Khatumo and Hiil Harti Stockpile. They also lost 2 BMS and only have 2 left. Those r the big weaponry. They lost countless tecknikos, zu32s, bebes, etc.
Either you are an idiot or simply have ZERO comprehension, the video talks about the weapons and vehicles leaving Hargeisa and are heading to Borama to subjugate the Gadabursi uprising there.
The footage was circulating yesterday with a similar headline, which is why I completely ignored it. And if it left yesterday, why isn't it already in Borama?:ivers:

It's either old footage or the military stationed in West Hargeisa is being reinforced.


@Arkan they want to give u their remaining qaniimo gift kkkkk 1 tank. Don't fear em bro. Habar awal can't fight and always use HJ cannon fodder to disguise this weakness, they even tag-team HY for 30 years so HY don't see it either. They tried to use HJ cannon fodder in Khatumo also.

That's why they work like hell to cause drama, they don't want anyone seeing them 'exposed' by themselves. U get habar awal by himself, he does a mo farah. That wud be my war strategy on them, to isolate them on their own, trust me u will see em all do a mo farah.

The problem they face is the same problem the south urbanites faced when HG rural nomadic base came. They face an identical problem with 99% urbanized for generations.
@Arkan they want to give u their remaining qaniimo gift kkkkk 1 tank. Don't fear em bro. Habar awal can't fight and always use HJ cannon fodder to disguise this weakness, they even tag-team HY for 30 years so HY don't see it either. That's why they work like hell to cause drama, they don't want anyone seeing them 'exposed' by themselves.
Habar Awal don't want to fight at all when it comes to the NW. They don't want to endanger the economic corridor to Berbera because Samaroon reside inbetween the corridor to Jigjiga and are regarded as a direct and possibly the most significant economic threat.

The ramifications of attempting to move the military into Borama/Awdal would be severe if it went sideways. You can tell by the way Muse hasn't bothered to pursue a military approach, even with our Ugaas making threats and the locals backing behind him.

Instead, Muse appointed a Samaroon as the new Ambassador to Ethiopia and sent a delegation of Samaroon, including the VP and Ministers, to hold conferences with the elders (which have failed) . Some of them even planned to be sent to Addis Ababa to meet with the Ugaas (unlikely to happen). This is a futile attempt to avoid endangering the economic corridor.
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Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
I’m gonna be honest with you guys, Borama seems pretty safe. I left the city myself this morning. Everything seemed normal, not a big police presence, the only heavy weapons i saw on my recent trip was in Wajaale and it was an anti tank police car, and one tekniko in saldhig between laafo ciise and aw barre.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Seems like Gudubursi politicans in Ethiopia proposing Zaylac to be the main port has caused severe friction between Isaaq clan and Gudubursi. I fear a large scale frontal attack.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Instead, Muse appointed a Samaroon as the new Ambassador to Ethiopia and sent a delegation of Samaroon, including the VP and Ministers, to hold conferences with the elders (which have failed) . Some of them even planned to be sent to Addis Ababa to meet with the Ugaas (unlikely to happen). This is a futile attempt to avoid endangering the economic corridor
My Samaaroon bajbaj driver tells me majority of their national officials including the VP are figureheads. I don’t think that means anything. Also he told me people misunderstood the Samaroon guy who said let Ethiopia into Saylac port, he intended to say let them get minority shares in the port and with their own money. However he doesn’t support Ethiopia to take full control over the land and port.
I’m gonna be honest with you guys, Borama seems pretty safe. I left the city myself this morning. Everything seemed normal, not a big police presence, the only heavy weapons i saw on my recent trip was in Wajaale and it was an anti tank police car, and one tekniko in saldhig between laafo ciise and aw barre.
Anti tank police cars are common and Lafaciise and Awbare are in DDS so I'm assuming that's Samaroon Liyuu.
My Samaaroon bajbaj driver tells me majority of their national officials including the VP are figureheads. I don’t think that means anything. Also he told me people misunderstood the Samaroon guy who said let Ethiopia into Saylac port, he intended to say let them get minority shares in the port and with their own money. However he doesn’t support Ethiopia to take full control over the land and port.
The likes of Saylici don't actually represent the public.

Somali Saayid

Currently high on hopium
Anti tank police cars are common and Lafaciise and Awbare are in DDS so I'm assuming that's Samaroon Liyuu.

The likes of Saylici don't actually represent the public.
Yeah your right, that anti tank police car is it, I don’t think I’ve seen any other hub in SL. I’m guessing what remains has been sent to Oog and the border with SSC