It looks like he's holding their hands trying to teach them how to govern a country.f*ck it! Here you go mate.

It looks like he's holding their hands trying to teach them how to govern a country.f*ck it! Here you go mate.
Isaac say xamar can't force us yet if a child waves the flag of Somalia in borama, gabiiley, las canod they shoot them, you couldn't make it up.wallahi oo billaahi, i dont care if hargeisa berbera and burco secedes now. let them have these dusty cities and fart as much as they want. ugly cities
but we will never allow samaroon and dhulbahante to be dragged. we will even butcher ilmo somalidiids with machetes if thats the only option within civilwar.
Where will you go do you think if you die for ictiraaf? Kkkk not paradise that's for sure.Looool ilahey cabso walaal.No condoms just bullets to send our enemies to the afterlife :siilaanyolaugh:
You ain't going to do nothing except stare at mens ass kkkkA war is coming and I am getting my bullets and condoms ready
We are descadants of Muhammad (Calayhi salaatu was salaam) who are Muslims.We are guranteed victory in this life and the next.Ilma Amisom are destined for Jahannam!Where will you go do you think if you die for ictiraaf? Kkkk not paradise that's for sure.
I'm repeating myself because so are you. A referendum from the Somalia Govt won't happen. When TWO Somaliland polls are showing a declining minority why would the Somalia Govt even bother?
It would be a meaningless and pointless win that would do more harm than good to the Somalia Govt. Same with the US, them doing a Texas Referendum would be completely idiotic.No. You said it would legitimize the SL gov and that's why they won't do it. I said, even with that considered it would still be a win for Somalia gov (ie. worth it) because the end result would be that the SL gov would be completely delegitimized. Then you said, it would legitimize the SL gov. You did not address that point or any other that I made at all.
It would be a meaningless and pointless win that would do more harm than good to the Somalia Govt. Same with the US, them doing a Texas Referendum would be completely idiotic.
Reer awdal realised that Isaac was trying to steal their land why they were campaigning to get citiraaf, now the jig is up, Samaroon are fed up & ain't having no more of isaacs dhuulbalaarsii cause Isaac are confined toBerbera, burco, hargaisa.
You're descendants of the crown of England British somaliland kkkkWe are descadants of Muhammad (Calayhi salaatu was salaam) who are Muslims.We are guranteed victory in this life and the next.Ilma Amisom are destined for Jahannam!
I support Isaac independence, there's no such thing as british somaliland (cisse,Samaroon,Warsengeli,Isaac,Dhulbhante) colonialism is over. After the civil war we split up into tribal states & somaliland is no exception cause it represents Isaac interests only where Samaroon, Dhulbhante are mere spectators. I know for sure Samaroon & Dhulbhante, Warsengeli,cisse don't want to break up from the rest of Somalia cause if they truly felt like that then you would already have had your independence from the rest of Somalia.Would you support a referendum in SL in order to see the extent to which what you say is true?
I support Isaac independence, there's no such thing as british somaliland (cisse,Samaroon,Warsengeli,Isaac,Dhulbhante) colonialism is over. After the civil war we split up into tribal states & somaliland is no exception cause it represents Isaac interests only where Samaroon, Dhulbhante are mere spectators. I know for sure Samaroon & Dhulbhante, Warsengeli,cisse don't want to break up from the rest of Somalia cause if they truly felt like that then you would already have had your independence from the rest of Somalia.
Ethiopia-Eritrea, Democratic Republic of Congo-Republic of Congo, North Korea-South Korea, even add in all the clan based gulf arab states.The difference between others who got independent and Somaliland is that the others wanted to remove the domination of one ethnic group who share nothing in common in terms of ethnicity, language, culture or religion.
Somaliland on the other hand share the same ethnicity, language, culture and religion with Somalia so that's why they're not getting any independence.
The difference between others who got independent and Somaliland is that the others wanted to remove the domination of one ethnic group who share nothing in common in terms of ethnicity, language, culture or religion.
Somaliland on the other hand share the same ethnicity, language, culture and religion with Somalia so that's why they're not getting any independence.
When you say somaliland referendum? You mean Isaac? Cause somaliland is a tribal state, if you think it represents other tribes except Isaac then you're delusional, don't insult our intelligence, about Samaroon a large part of them don't support isaacs bid to form an independent country & sultan Wabar sultanka guud ee Beesha Samaroon made it clear how his people feel,who are you to argue with sultanka Beesha Samaroon?'Do you support a referendum?' was my question, not do you support independence. But thanks for your answer. The bolded is ridiculous though. You do not know that for sure, especially in the case of samaroon in particular. Nobody serious would make such a black and white statements anyway. The question is about the extent to which ppl support one position or another, it's not black and white. Also not all Isaaq are in favor of independence. Which is why a referendum with international observers would be without a doubt the best way to go for everyone. Not too many ppl who are not in favor of SL seem to support that though...