Somalis and Environment

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Why are Geeljires always obsessed with politics.

the greatest threat facing somalis

Climate change
Ethiopia Dams in Ogaden
toxic waste dumped into our oceans
may if they find a strategy resource multinational companies.

what do you guys think, which is the greatest threat to somalis


Citizen of Southwest State
What exasperates desertification is the chopping down of acacia trees in Somalia for charcoal production. The charcoal trade has had devastating effects on the Somali ecosystem. Kismaayo went from being a green city full of trees to being a barren desert. :meleshame:

Look at the difference between Kenyan borders and Somali.
What exasperates desertification is the chopping down of acacia trees in Somalia for charcoal production. The charcoal trade has had devastating effects on the Somali ecosystem. Kismaayo went from being a green city full of trees to being a barren desert. :meleshame:

and people wound why we are the planet charity case, the jubba river could feed somalia and kismayo and the surrounding regions were once filled with antelope, lions, elephant, giraffe the local could have made a killing from tourism a pity that all that potential was allow to go to waste.
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