Somalis and their love for Jesus: How come almost all open Somali Christians are from Scandinavia?

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Even though Scandinavia has low religiosity rates, the natives who are still Christian are often zealots who target refugee groups specifically.

A bunch of these churches recently started housing refugees since there's a housing shortage. Shenanigans like this may cause some refugees to convert to Christianity.
They're very open with their Christianity.

There are hundreds of Christians over here (we even had the Christian guy we hosted at the AMA who confirmed this) but they are never open.
"About Mona
Hi everyone, I am a critic of Islam and critical of Muslims......"
This is the first thing she says about herself.
She is trying to become the next Ayan hirsi.:bell:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I don't know how you can rationalize being Christian and Somali considering pretty much every sect of Christianity has attacked us. :vo3yidw:

I'd rather worship the sun than be a Christian. Just out of principle.


These people should never be allowed anywhere near Somalia. They should just die in their own places. It is worse than becoming an atheist because you just went to worship a white religion, and also sharing the same religion as the Habashi.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I wish I meet one of these people. I'm usually not an asshole about my Atheism but I'd go full Hitchens on them. Why is it I meet more Somali Atheists here than Somali Christians? Why are you hiding? Come at me with your white Jesus, I'll dismantle it easier than I dismantle Islam.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
The British Protestants
The Italian Catholics
The orthodox Ethiopians
The euro didn't attack us for religious reasons though but that's probably what she meant


Pretty sure I've read a quote by the British writer during the dervish battles that there's nothing more that an Englishman hates than a black mohammadean.

There's a reason why sayid abdulle hassan was slandered by being called the mad mullah.

Pretty sure the reason why highlanders are being propped up is because they are Christian and not Muslim even til this day. They asked for support of the Portuguese from the pagan blacks. All out of christianimo.

I mean not to mention the forced conversions but.....
The 20% or 25% of Whites that are still Christian in Northern Europe are fundamentalists.

Christianity is far from dead there yet.

Amun, can u refer to any specific groups of christan fundamentalist in Northern Europe? I´m from Norway, and i´ve never heard of such. Most people over here are basically atheist, not many actually identify as christian.

Mona Walter, the Swedish Somali

Yusuf Ali Adan, Christian Somali man from Denmark with more than 58k followers.

Sudan Adam, random Halimo from Sweden, on her profile:I give My life to Jesus:
The second FB is of some random guy who appears muslim and is married. Hes also hella qabilist.

and is obsessed with Hawiye. Ironic considering his own looks but hey whatevery floats your boat

He also doesnt have 58k followers, not on twitter either

But yes there are many Somali christians. Going on that swedish chicks page I fell into a rabbit hole of them, and that was the open ones. But they're still incredibly rare. Only happens to the weakminded diaspora as I remember a story about an Italian priest in Somalia who during 30 years converted only a couple Somalis.


Suldaanka Gobyare
@Prince of Hobyo . If you search deeper in Yusuf Ali Aden posts he does declare his love for Christianity. Publicity who knows?

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