Somalis arrested in drug charges in Fort McMurray

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lol dozen+ kids from my hometown got felonies over the summer for selling dhagax

i'm visiting this weekend, it's going to be aaawkward


Acuudka - this is ridiculous - dhaqan xumo. Thank the warlords for changing our culture and turning our kids into mafiosos/gangiistar.


It's lack of Islamic parenting that turn kids into mafiosos/gangiistar; not warlords.

Somalis were better people before the warlords changed the culture - they were also very unislamic if that helps you feel better.
Somalis were better people before the warlords changed the culture - they were also very unislamic if that helps you feel better.
But the warlords were very unislamic, so we agree that unislaminess is what turned kids into mafiosos/gangiistar.


Yes, dhaqan la'aan too. You'll always see them dressed like 50 cent iyo kuwaas, never dressed smartly like we were all raised. They probably don't speak a word of al Somali between them.
All Somalis except for a rare few grew up in Islamic households. All memorized the Koran and learned about the faith.

And now many are gangbanging, drug selling thugs.



Some just come out of plain bad homes. Being whipped to memorise the quran but having noone wash their clothes or check their homework. Qaat is also a surefire way to beget gangbangers - you can't take drugs and then expect to not raise drug dealers.
All Somalis except for a rare few grew up in Islamic households. All memorized the Koran and learned about the faith.

And now many are gangbanging, drug selling thugs.

Are you claiming there's a link between memorizing the Koran and gangbanging & drug selling?
I appreciate my parents who forced me to become a hafiz. The content I memorized is of course utterly useless to me but it made me a mature young boy/teenager. It provided me the discipline I needed to become the young man that I am today.
I appreciate my parents who forced me to become a hafiz. The content I memorized is of course utterly useless to me but it made me a mature young boy/teenager. It provided me the discipline I needed to become the young man that I am today.
It's positive that you become disciplined by memorizing the Koran, alas, you left the faith that made you as such.
is there a somali canadian who isn't a drug dealing scumbag

Many London Somalis are involved in drug crimes but they are Nigerian Naija and Pakistani drug deliverers. Many London Somalis got stabbed this summer to death in drug crimes. But they are low level criminals. They are not top dogs


Your superior
Many London Somalis are involved in drug crimes but they are Nigerian Naija and Pakistani drug deliverers. Many London Somalis got stabbed this summer to death in drug crimes. But they are low level criminals. They are not top dogs
are you a drug dealer
Do you personally know drug dealers?

Of course I do. But all of them are Somali. If I was not part of the Somali community and didn't interact with them but other people instead I wouldn't know any drug dealers.

Everyone on this site knows Somali drug dealers
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