Somalis don’t have low IQ....come do this quick test .... please

Screenshot_2020-10-16 The best IQ-Test for free Test your IQ now .png

:ahh:I knew it. I'm the chosen one. I'll make the Geeljire nation great again :rejoice:


This IQ test is not the real deal, I don't want to appear as a dickhead and ruin the party but this memorando test is useless to determine your IQ, the score it gives you is in no way in representative of your likely score on a real Intelligent Qoutient Test.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this test is a brilliant marketing ploy to get people sharing it and driving traffic to their site. The lowest score you can get by answering every question wrong is 98 so there is only a 36 point difference from smartest to dumbest. It’s playing on our egos to share how smart we think we are.
I answered all questions and got 116 then I tried to retard myself by randomly clicking anything and got 130 lol

I suggest you go to these sites.
There are several sites which conduct real tests . Free IQ test and receive your IQ score.


Hiatus✅ 1/18/21- ?
This IQ test is not the real deal, I don't want to appear as a dickhead and ruin the party but this memorando test is useless to determine your IQ, the score it gives you is in no way in representative of your likely score on a real Intelligent Qoutient Test.
I think it’s pretty obvious that this test is a brilliant marketing ploy to get people sharing it and driving traffic to their site. The lowest score you can get by answering every question wrong is 98 so there is only a 36 point difference from smartest to dumbest. It’s playing on our egos to share how smart we think we are.
I answered all questions and got 116 then I tried to retard myself by randomly clicking anything and got 130 lol

I suggest you go to these sites.
There are several sites which conduct real tests . Free IQ test and receive your IQ score.
True and there's no one trying's literally so simple... if this was the real one, I bet few woulda tried and not posted it at all:chrisfreshhah:
You guys taking an iq test dosent mean Somalia is not low iq. You gotta take a sample of the population and take avg of their iqs in order to get the real iq. And most of Somalia isn’t educated or smart so don’t get your hopes up. Of course there are outliers like you with high iqs but majority of Somalia are uneducated so our iq will still be in the lower ranges compared to the rest of world.

