Somalis Live In A Fantasy World About Gaalo Being Dirty


I was told about this Fathia lady who is dhulbahante/isaaq who my mother was watching, she had some fall out with a Somali man and is promoting all Somali women should marry foreigner. Now the guy is some banadiri dude insulting the foreigner about being dirty and my mother actually was supporting him. Now that's pure fantasy. My mother went wild when I stated these facts about gaalo.

1. Their homes/bodies r clean or else why gaalo have the longest life spans in the world? it's Somali who is dirty and dying at 50 kkkkkkk
2. Their public spaces u can eat off the ground that's how tidy it is. Where-as ur public spaces is full of bacteria, water, xaar, kaadi, litter combined into your beautiful organic barwaaqo kkkkk
3. They have sewages and drainages universally, their not shitting outside like your ppl nor their letting water accumulate with dirt and eventual bacteria.
4. Their hospitals is absolutely clean, what about yours?
5. Their food and water standard is world class, while your food maba la cuni karo without getting cancer or ur water is the quality of their toilet water and u drink that. Have u seen your meat/fish markets waryaa with all shit/mosquito everywhere.

Somalis like that banadiri dude piss me off by misleading ppl into their urban myth about Gaalo. War Gaalo ma gaadhi kartan yaa runta idin sheego.

Red GIF by Big Brother
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I went easy on my mother cuz she is old school believing in those myth. But if any Somali dude says that crap to me, im taking him to school.
I was told about this Fathia lady who is dhulbahante/isaaq who my mother was watching, she had some fall out with a Somali man and is promoting all Somali women should marry foreigner. Now the guy is some banadiri dude insulting the foreigner about being dirty and my mother actually was supporting him. Now that's pure fantasy. My mother went wild when I stated these facts about gaalo.

1. Their homes/bodies r clean or else why gaalo have the longest life spans in the world? it's Somali who is dirty and dying at 50 kkkkkkk
2. Their public spaces u can eat off the ground that's how tidy it is. Where-as ur public spaces is full of bacteria, water, xaar, kaadi, litter combined into your beautiful organic barwaaqo kkkkk
3. They have sewages and drainages universally, their not shitting outside like your ppl nor their letting water accumulate with dirt and eventual bacteria.
4. Their hospitals is absolutely clean, what about yours?
5. Their food and water standard is world class, while your food maba la cuni karo without getting cancer or ur water is the quality of their toilet water and u drink that. Have u seen your meat/fish markets waryaa with all shit/mosquito everywhere.

Somalis like that banadiri dude piss me off by misleading ppl into their urban myth about Gaalo. War Gaalo ma gaadhi kartan yaa runta idin sheego.

Red GIF by Big Brother
Finally something we agree on :fittytousand:
I dont know were somalis got nerve to gaalos dirty while half of them live in baadiyo and dont have water to shower with. And some of them drink water from the same river they shit in.

The most shameless of them all are the ones trying the hardest to immigrate to a gaalo country So they can eventually insult the cadaans that welcomed them:francis:
I was told about this Fathia lady who is dhulbahante/isaaq who my mother was watching, she had some fall out with a Somali man and is promoting all Somali women should marry foreigner. Now the guy is some banadiri dude insulting the foreigner about being dirty and my mother actually was supporting him. Now that's pure fantasy. My mother went wild when I stated these facts about gaalo.

1. Their homes/bodies r clean or else why gaalo have the longest life spans in the world? it's Somali who is dirty and dying at 50 kkkkkkk
2. Their public spaces u can eat off the ground that's how tidy it is. Where-as ur public spaces is full of bacteria, water, xaar, kaadi, litter combined into your beautiful organic barwaaqo kkkkk
3. They have sewages and drainages universally, their not shitting outside like your ppl nor their letting water accumulate with dirt and eventual bacteria.
4. Their hospitals is absolutely clean, what about yours?
5. Their food and water standard is world class, while your food maba la cuni karo without getting cancer or ur water is the quality of their toilet water and u drink that. Have u seen your meat/fish markets waryaa with all shit/mosquito everywhere.

Somalis like that banadiri dude piss me off by misleading ppl into their urban myth about Gaalo. War Gaalo ma gaadhi kartan yaa runta idin sheego.

Red GIF by Big Brother

:farmajoyaab:Damn Osman, so you still live with your mom at your age?



Damn Osman, so you still live with your mom at your age?

No I speak to her daily on the fone dummy. Same with my dad. Giving them the crazy madness of somalia. I try to milk their knowledge as they remember a govt, since im warlord generation. Once that kacaan generation dies, were done and extinct. Warlord generation and Terror generation post 2001. If u had national conscious u would know somalia is heading towards a very scary path of warlord generation and terror generation


The cleanliness part is cope, I agree. They act like all of Africa has access to Bidets. A Gulf Arab could make that point maybe but no African.

Internet Nomad

Your comparing a nation which is fully stable and thriving to nationa which have broken down.
Not fair is it? Even then Somalis clean themselves multiple times a day for wudu purposes. Whilst i agree that Cadaans have more cleanliness in the food sector and healthcare sector that is only due to wealth.

The sterotype that cadaans are dirty is a old one

Even in modern times indoyaar and gulf arabs still manage to far more cleaner than cadaans.. the only reason Somalis cant boast is our poverty not our culture.


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