Somalis,( Muslims) and evolution


Death Awaits You
If you believe in Islam, you'd believe we all derived from Adam and Hawa (peace be upon them). It's known that humans at the time were really tall, and there even existed a group that would carve their homes from the mountains. Adam was said to be 60 cubits tall but there was a gradual decrease in our height as humans. I think some sort of evolution took place but not the kind others believe (such as evolving from monkeys).
The tallest human species to have ever existed are modern day humans and the extinct homo erectus. There's no such thing as giant humans. No remains nor any shelter sites or tools used used by giants humans were ever discovered. You can't just believe something just cause your religion says so. It never hurts to use your rational mind for a minute.
The tallest human species to have ever existed are modern day humans and the extinct homo erectus. There's no such thing as giant humans. No remains nor any shelter sites or tools used used by giants humans were ever discovered. You can't just believe something just cause your religion says so. It never hurts to use your rational mind for a minute.
No, religion is better.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
The tallest human species to have ever existed are modern day humans and the extinct homo erectus. There's no such thing as giant humans. No remains nor any shelter sites or tools used used by giants humans were ever discovered. You can't just believe something just cause your religion says so. It never hurts to use your rational mind for a minute.
If you can show me a real process of macro-evolution in which a species changes from one form to a completely other form, then i will accept it. Im talking about a fish turning into a monkey and then into a human etc. Use your rational mind as you have never seen this process happen and will never see it happen

Btw you are employing a fallacy as absence of evidence doesnt entail evidence of absence. Just because their are no tools left by giant humans doesnt entail that such tools/giant humans never existed. Again please your rational mind


I do something called "what I want"
I believe what works and has concrete evidence. Such is the laws of science right? Medicine and other scientific technologies don't contradict islam, neither does islam contradict such things. Which is why I can use it and believe that it works. Believing in islam does not mean that I don't believe in science, science stems from Islam. Allah has made the world in such a way that it has logic and order. I don't believe in evolution because it doesn't make sense, it doesn't go with islam, and there is no proof. They found a monkey from thousands of years ago and then claim that's our ancestors. How could they possibly link that animal to us?


I do something called "what I want"
Another part of "science" that islam contradicts is the formation of life and the formation of the universe. Both things have no evidence. You blindly believe that something came from nothing because a bunch of cadaans told you so. You also believe life and conscience was abruptly created in earth through shear luck. When it is impossible to create life, until now no one has ever seen life being created outside the means of biological ways. Yet you still believe it can? If you show me a being with conscience created from a non-living thing, I will admit those theoriess have some sense. But that has never happened and will never happen only allah can create life. Telling me that a bunch of non-living molecules created a soul is stupid. Especially when you can't recreate it and have never seen or heard of it happening ever.
Funnily enough Muslim theologians like Al-Jahiz (who was actually Ethiopian) wrote about evolution long before Darwin did. He noticed head lice in people with dark hair were black and those with lighter hair were lighter in colour. He thought that was an example of a mutation surviving because of adaption to its environment. I’m not sure why people assume believing in evolution automatically disqualifies you from believing in God. You can argue evolution is the process God uses to fine-tune his species.



King Of NSFW
I feel as though evolution is real and somalians are halfway stuck thru the process which is why we chimp out every now and then.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Funnily enough Muslim theologians like Al-Jahiz (who was actually Ethiopian) wrote about evolution long before Darwin did. He noticed head lice in people with dark hair were black and those with lighter hair were lighter in colour. He thought that was an example of a mutation surviving because of adaption to its environment. I’m not sure why people assume believing in evolution automatically disqualifies you from believing in God. You can argue evolution is the process God uses to fine-tune his species.

Muslims have no issue with non human evolution but human evolution isnt compatible with Islam. Jahiz only hinted at micro-evolution.


I do something called "what I want"
Funnily enough Muslim theologians like Al-Jahiz (who was actually Ethiopian) wrote about evolution long before Darwin did. He noticed head lice in people with dark hair were black and those with lighter hair were lighter in colour. He thought that was an example of a mutation surviving because of adaption to its environment. I’m not sure why people assume believing in evolution automatically disqualifies you from believing in God. You can argue evolution is the process God uses to fine-tune his species.

I believe in natural mutations and natural selections because that's logical. But I don't believe in us coming from monkeys


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Darwin himself said that future scientists would find fossils of “transitional forms.” Here’s what he meant: If fish really evolved into animals, you would find fossils of creatures that were half-fish, half-animal. This would show that one species was making a transition into another.
So far, no transitional forms have ever been discovered! And of course, no transitional creature exists today. Let’s be honest: Have you ever gone to the zoo and seen a cross between a fish and an animal? Or a half-man, half-monkey?

What is even more bizarre to me is how scientists blindly believe in life starting from simple combination of amino acids in a primordial pool, yet no experiment ever came even close to reproduce those claims.
Muslims have no issue with non human evolution but human evolution isnt compatible with Islam. Jahiz only hinted at micro-evolution.

Really because I’ve seen a fair few religious scholars who believe and speak about evolution in their talks. Are you taking them out of the folds of Islam lol? Al-Jahiz wrote a whole book about animal evolution, he wasn’t hinting he was the creator of the theory of evolution and is never credited by Europeans. But it’s interesting to note that the Muslims at that time were very open minded when it came to science. More so, than people like you.
I believe in natural mutations and natural selections because that's logical. But I don't believe in us coming from monkeys

that’s fine. This is not something I’ve researched a lot but it fascinated me that the theory of evolution came from a Muslim but we all assume anyone who believes it is a non-muslim. None of us have really studied biology at a higher level, so I don’t think our opinion really matters. Unlike Professor @Cyrus I’m happy to say to say I don’t know much about this topic.


I do something called "what I want"
that’s fine. This is not something I’ve researched a lot but it fascinated me that the theory of evolution came from a Muslim but we all assume anyone who believes it is a non-muslim. Nome of us have really studied biology at a higher level, so I don’t think our opinion really matters.
I've studied biology, not at a high level but a level high enough to understand different theories of evolution and the implications of certain theories. Not all theories are the same, a lot of them go directly against islam. Some theories suggest life was created randomly and evolved to today. Others suggest that evolution advanced certain species to greater lengths.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Really because I’ve seen a fair few religious scholars who believe and speak about evolution in their talks. Are you taking them out of the folds of Islam lol? Al-Jahiz wrote a whole book about animal evolution, he wasn’t hinting he was the creator of the theory of evolution and is never credited by Europeans. But it’s interesting to note that the Muslims at that time were very open minded when it came to science.
I wouldnt take them out of the fold outright but if they believe in certain concepts that are part of the theory of evolution, i would. According to natural selection, humans are merely the outcome of trillions of evolutionary accidents created by random events This would contradict the quranic notion that humanity is the sole purpose of creation.

Their are many other things that are impossible to reconcile with Islam within the theiry as well that im not at liberty to delve into right now. Muslims at the time were the pioneers of modern chemistry, mathematics, philisophy, and astrology -they were very advanced. They always cited the quran as the cataylst to their academic endeavours.
I've studied biology, not at a high level but a level high enough to understand different theories of evolution and the implications of certain theories. Not all theories are the same, a lot of them go directly against islam. Some theories suggest life was created randomly and evolved to today. Others suggest that evolution advanced certain species to greater lengths.

Lol Unless you are a PhD holder in Biology who is also well versed on Islam, something I believe you are too young to be, I can’t really take you seriously. I’m sure this persons exist but I don’t care enough about this topic to find them.


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
that’s fine. This is not something I’ve researched a lot but it fascinated me that the theory of evolution came from a Muslim but we all assume anyone who believes it is a non-muslim. None of us have really studied biology at a higher level, so I don’t think our opinion really matters. Unlike Professor @Cyrus I’m happy to say to say I don’t know much about this topic.
You dont need to be an authority figure in a field to have an opinion sxb, thats an appeal to authortiy fallacy. If a guy holding a PHD in Biology said some ridiculous BS, you cant take it as face value just because he has his qualifications.

I ask questions that human evolutionists have no answers to and the burden of proof is on them to satisfy my standards of truth.


I do something called "what I want"
Lol Unless you are a PhD holder in Biology who is also well versed on Islam, something I believe you are too young to be, I can’t really take you seriously. I’m sure this persons exist but I don’t care enough about this topic to find them.
You don't have to be a PhD holder in biology to know about evolution. This is also one of the reasons that society is full of sheep. Everyone thinks that the men in labcoats are somehow superior and are always right. Just because they have PhD's doesn't mean they can't be wrong or aren't lying


I do something called "what I want"
You dont need to be an authority figure in a field to have an opinion sxb, thats an appeal to authortiy fallacy. If a guy holding a PHD in Biology said some ridiculous BS, you cant take it as face value just because he has his qualifications.

I ask questions that human evolutionists have no answers to and the burden of proof is on them to satisfy my standards of truth.
Exactlyy, everytime I make a point I see you saying the exact same thing. Someone with at least half a brain for once


Arabist| Akh-Right Movement|احب الملكات العرب
Exactlyy, everytime I make a point I see you saying the exact same thing. Someone with at least half a brain for once
its the Dbock high IQ sxb, low iq life forms cant compute what we are talking about


I do something called "what I want"
its the Dbock high IQ sxb, low iq life forms cant compute what we are talking about
Scientist: "Life started after a bunch of tiny particles swam across in the ocean and produced conscient beings with thought and soul out of shear luck. Of course we have no way of proving this, replicating this, or have even seen it happen ever. But just take our word on it because we have PhD's"
Sheep: "ok that makes sense, no point in questioning it."