Somalis must face the results of their endless stupidity

For over three decades, Somalia has been trapped in a cycle of conflict, dependency, and stagnation. The country, rich in culture and history, has been paralyzed by internal divisions and an over-reliance on external assistance. This dependency on the West has created an unhealthy and unsustainable crutch, preventing the Somali people from addressing their own problems and working toward a self-reliant future.

It’s time for a harsh reality check. Somalia must be forced into a position of urgency, where external aid is reduced or entirely withdrawn. Only then will the country truly confront the gravity of its situation. Somalis must be told that they are on their own—no more babysitting, no more waiting for someone else to clean up the mess. They must either take responsibility, act like adults, and work together for their collective benefit, or face the harsh consequences of inaction: drought, disease, hunger, and poverty.

This urgency will stop the senseless clan wars, pointless hate, and endless disagreements that have held the country back for decades. With no external resources to fall back on—no petrol, no weapons, no ammunition—the luxury of fighting over petty differences will evaporate. Somalis will be forced to make a choice: continue on the destructive path that leads nowhere, or unite and work toward a peaceful, productive society.

No human being in their right mind would choose the path of death and destruction when faced with such stark realities. Somalis, like any other people, are capable of functioning like adults. They will see that survival depends on cooperation, that the well-being of the nation depends on putting aside differences and building something real. The period of stupidity will be short-lived, and those who insist on clinging to it will be left behind. The rest will rise to the challenge of acting like responsible human beings and creating a future where Somalis can stand proudly on their own feet.

It’s time for Somalia to stop waiting for salvation from the outside and to realize that the power to rebuild the country lies within its own people. This urgency will either lead to collapse, or more likely, a rebirth of national unity and self-reliance.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
The people back home you are speaking about are animals they arent humans. They cant comprehend basic logic and reasoning they have literally devolved from humans to animals
The people back home you are speaking about are animals they arent humans. They cant comprehend basic logic and reasoning they have literally devolved from humans to animals
Then let them extinct. Be like a human or die miserable in undignified way like wild animals do all the time.
I can guarantee you if two things are stoped foreign aid and cash remittance Somalis would definitely be forced to end their stupidity.
Being stupid is a luxury and you can only live like that when you can afford.
Everyone will fall inline if it's death or Life situation.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Then let them extinct. Be like a human or die miserable in undignified way like wild animals do all the time.
I can guarantee you if two things are stoped foreign aid and cash remittance Somalis would definitely be forced to end their stupidity.
Being stupid is a luxury and you can only live like that when you can afford.
Everyone will fall inline if it's death or Life situation.
Somalis back home are like Rabbits. A pest, A nuisance. All they do is destroy the land, breed, xaar and they are the same in that sense. somalis back home bring zero benefits to the world and their land like rabbits they live and die having accomplished nothing significant. The difference between the somali and the rabbit is the somali kills his own over trivial things while the rabbit does not. Even an animal which has a small fraction of a brain compared to a somali has a better moral compass. The somali breeds while killing his own while the rabbit breeds while conquering new lands and preserving themselves even in that metric the rabbit excels past the somali in self perservation and conquering mentality. The somali cannot even be considered human they are a animal and can even be considered as animal or even lower. The rabbit destroys but strives to gain. The somali destroys and loses and keeps on losing.
The people back home you are speaking about are animals they arent humans. They cant comprehend basic logic and reasoning they have literally devolved from humans to animals

Then what about the ones in the west who spew qabiil nonsense that destroyed their country and made them refugees?

What about the countless diaspora men who form the majority of the government in Xamar and seek to make a quick buck on their own people?

Don't act like the people back home are animals, when the reality is the ones from the west are the biggest vultures in Somalia with their ngo schemes and kickbacks.
For over three decades, Somalia has been trapped in a cycle of conflict, dependency, and stagnation. The country, rich in culture and history, has been paralyzed by internal divisions and an over-reliance on external assistance. This dependency on the West has created an unhealthy and unsustainable crutch, preventing the Somali people from addressing their own problems and working toward a self-reliant future.

It’s time for a harsh reality check. Somalia must be forced into a position of urgency, where external aid is reduced or entirely withdrawn. Only then will the country truly confront the gravity of its situation. Somalis must be told that they are on their own—no more babysitting, no more waiting for someone else to clean up the mess. They must either take responsibility, act like adults, and work together for their collective benefit, or face the harsh consequences of inaction: drought, disease, hunger, and poverty.

This urgency will stop the senseless clan wars, pointless hate, and endless disagreements that have held the country back for decades. With no external resources to fall back on—no petrol, no weapons, no ammunition—the luxury of fighting over petty differences will evaporate. Somalis will be forced to make a choice: continue on the destructive path that leads nowhere, or unite and work toward a peaceful, productive society.

No human being in their right mind would choose the path of death and destruction when faced with such stark realities. Somalis, like any other people, are capable of functioning like adults. They will see that survival depends on cooperation, that the well-being of the nation depends on putting aside differences and building something real. The period of stupidity will be short-lived, and those who insist on clinging to it will be left behind. The rest will rise to the challenge of acting like responsible human beings and creating a future where Somalis can stand proudly on their own feet.

It’s time for Somalia to stop waiting for salvation from the outside and to realize that the power to rebuild the country lies within its own people. This urgency will either lead to collapse, or more likely, a rebirth of national unity and self-reliance.

The thing is bro Somalia will never be left alone because their qabiil based society can never truly form a functioning government.

The west knows the moment they pack up that either Somalis will destroy themselves or the only other system that can bring governance will return




A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Then what about the ones in the west who spew qabiil nonsense that destroyed their country and made them refugees?
They are also animals
What about the countless diaspora men who form the majority of the government in Xamar and seek to make a quick buck on their own people?
Those guys are past gen cawaans and used to live in somalia
Don't act like the people back home are animals, when the reality is the ones from the west are the biggest vultures in Somalia with their ngo schemes and kickbacks.
They are animals and the ones from diaspora that go back to the country used to live in somalia before they went away and came back.

