Somalis need Stop Being a Liability and Start Contributing

Somalis need Stop Being a Liability and Start Contributing

Let’s get real—if Somalia wants peace and decent living conditions like the West, it has to stop being a burden on the world. Right now, Somalia’s natural resources are sitting there, underutilized, while the country begs for help and aid like it’s entitled to it. The global economy doesn't care about handouts, and if Somalia doesn’t step up, it's going to keep getting exploited.

1. Wasting Resources, Wasting Opportunities Somalia is sitting on a goldmine of resources but can't even figure out how to use them. Instead of building industries and making products the world actually wants, it’s waiting for foreign companies to swoop in and take everything for pennies. If the Somali people want peace and a future, they need to stop waiting around and start developing industries that put their resources to use. Otherwise, they’ll keep getting the short end of the stick.

2. Nobody Owes Somalia a Generous Deal foreign companies aren't here to be Somalia’s babysitter. If Somalia wants a "fair deal," then it needs to earn it by becoming competitive. Expecting the world to give you aid or a generous cut when you’re not contributing is delusional. No company is going to raise their prices just to be kind to a country that doesn’t pull its weight. Somalia needs to stop being dead weight and start making something the global market actually values.

3. If You Can’t Use Your Resources, Someone Else Will**
In the real world, if you don’t use what you have, someone else will. It’s simple economics. Foreign companies will keep exploiting Somalia’s resources at a low cost because Somalia can’t or won’t do it themselves. Complaining about being taken advantage of won’t change anything. The only way out is to stop being a victim and start competing. Somalia needs to build the capacity to process its own resources or it will always be a pawn in someone else’s game.

4. Contribute or Stay Poor**
If Somalia doesn’t want to remain a liability, it needs to contribute to the global economy. That means no more begging for help and no more playing the victim. Somalia needs to produce something that matters to the world—whether it’s finished products, advanced tech, or value-added industries. Otherwise, the country will keep getting exploited, its people will stay poor, and there will never be peace.
Somalis Have Wasted Their Brainpower on Useless Nonsense

Every human being is born with a brain capable of storing, processing, and learning massive amounts of information to better themselves and their future. But instead of using this incredible capacity, Somalis have wasted it on absolute nonsense. Instead of building a future, they’ve spent their mental energy memorizing hundreds of clan names, fighting among themselves over pointless clanism, and glorifying trivial things like camels and stolen livestock.

1. Clanism: A Brain Drain of Epic Proportions**
While other nations are using their brains to advance in technology, science, and innovation, Somalis are burning theirs memorizing clan names and fighting over nothing. It’s absurd that with all the potential in the world, Somalis have chosen to invest their brainpower in internal beefs and clan rivalries. Out of all the things to focus on—economics, education, development—they chose to obsess over clans. It’s a colossal waste of mental capacity.

2. Camel Obsession: Wasting Time on the Wrong Priorities.
Instead of learning skills that could lift the country out of poverty, Somalis have wasted years learning the “art” of camels, singing poems about camel theft, and glorifying the livestock they stole from another clan. While the rest of the world moves forward, Somalia is stuck in the past, prioritizing things that have zero relevance in the modern world. This misplaced focus is one of the biggest reasons the country remains stagnant and underdeveloped.

3. Poetry and Songs for What?
Somalis have an incredible talent for poetry, but instead of using that creativity for something meaningful, they waste it singing about clans and wars that did nothing but hold them back. Poets glorify battles over livestock as if stealing camels is some great achievement. It’s not. It’s stupidity at its finest. These are the things that keep the country fighting among itself while the rest of the world moves forward.

4. Wasting Brain Capacity on Meaningless Traditions
Somalia has wasted generations on empty traditions and internal conflict. If that same energy had been used for education, innovation, or industry, the country would be in a completely different place. Instead, the potential has been thrown away on memorizing names and fighting over who stole whose camels. The time for this kind of backward thinking should have ended a long time ago.