Something Somalia will always be number 1 at

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Scheming from Salaxley


The majority of the map is coloured in a concerning reddish hue denoting a high level of corruption, with Somalia and North Korea topping the list - scoring eight out of a potential perfect score of 100.


Queen Carawelo

Embarrassing. I blame Siyad barre, sheikh Sharif and this current president.


mean while qooslaye is paying him self 1.5 mill a year while the country is starving :dead:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
It isn't all that bad for you

What those 4 counties have in common is their small population hence less bureaucracy. Less bureaucracy, less likely to have corrupted politicians getting away with shit. Whereas the US, Britain etc and third world nations are knee deep in corruption. Look at EU, layers and layers of bureaucracy, corrupt bought off officials and money laundering.

On a positive note, Somalia has a similar population to Sweden so transparency can work. It's not impossible.
They distinguished between somalia refugees and SL, we'll have to take that L sir:meleshame:

But yo russia is as bad as sudan, libya, yeman and somalia, or is it my eyess :urgh:
I believe the West is corrupt as everyone else, but they do their corruption in a reer magaal way and they throw a bone or two to the masses every now and then. Africans on the other hand only take and never give back waa caqli nus saac xoolaha :obamatell:
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Citizen of Southwest State
Embarrassing. I blame Siyad barre, sheikh Sharif and this current president.
I blame Abdullahi Yusuf for bringing in Ethiopian and other AMISOM troops into Somalia to kill innocent Hawiye civilians. He will be questioned in the Hereafter for his heinous crimes.

Queen Carawelo

I blame Abdullahi Yusuf for bringing in Ethiopian and other AMISOM troops into Somalia to kill innocent Hawiye civilians. He will be questioned in the Hereafter for his heinous crimes.

Oh really? Can you explain these posts you made?
Abdullahi Yusuf repaid his prior sins by bringing in the Ethiopian army to karbaash fufuwiyes. After that, I viewed him as a halyeey qaran.

From 1991 until now these animals are killing, looting and raping everything moving. In 1991, they snuck into Mogadishu and killed innocent unarmed Darood civilians. In 1993, they snuck into Galkacyo in the middle of the night, and slaughtered unarmed Darood (Majeerteen) civilians. During the 90s, they orchestrated a planned famine that cost the lives of countless people in Baidoa and the surrounding areas. They also raped many women from various clans. In 2015, Habargidir are using the Somali Army uniform to occupy Marka and Barawe after two decades of subjugating the locals. In the Central region, they want to build an airport in Galkacyo to smuggle in weapons and attack the city of Galkacyo and the relatively Puntland administration.

They are the enemy of the Somali people. Hawiye gets hate but it's the result of Habargidir tarnishing the Hawiye name. Habargidir has dragged the Hawiye reputation in the dirt. In 2015, Hawiye are known for killing, looting and raping but these atrocities are characteristic of Habargidir and not the rest of the Hawiye clan. Abgaal have settled down since the USC days and they were taught formal politics by Abdullahi Yusuf as part of the Majeerteen-Abgaal-Ethiopia alliance during the TFG days. The rest of Hawiye are relatively civilized in comparison with their Habargidir counterparts.

STFU midgaanyahey. Habargidir are a thorn in the side of the Somali people. They are the common denominator in every conflict in Somalia. Habargidir vs. Omar Mahamoud, Habargidir vs. Biyomaal, Habargidir vs. Ogaden, Habargidir vs. Marehan, Habargidir vs. Abgaal/Xawaadle/Sheikhaal/Murursade, Habargidir vs. Surre, Habargidir vs. 0.5. They are pariahs. :hova:

Troll harder next time. Who are you going to calcaal about next week? Isaaqs?


Citizen of Southwest State
Oh really? Can you explain these posts you made?

Troll harder next time. Who are you going to calcaal about next week? Isaaqs?
Alliances shift all the time. I support the rightful and legitimate Habargidir claim to Mudug. Stop occupying the land of patriotic Somalis.
Western corruption and Africa corruption are very different. In the west they give government contracts worth millions to a company they or their partners own.
To do work that's needed regardless of who got paid the work was done. and the country improved as a whole.

In Africa they take 90% of the money and put it straight in to their personal account. And expect to run a country on the remaining 10%.
Lol @ the West is as corrupt than the East.

Stop trolling

Abdiyow this is your beloved West

Not to mention the Enron scandal, Yamamah arm deal scandal in the UK, RBS scandal etc.

The corruption western companies and countries undertake have serious ramifications for the rest of us such as destroying the world economy, shell damaging the environment by polluting niger delta river and paying off corrupt officials and not to forget the many western firms and governments funding various wars all across the world in order to steal raw materials and wealth of others.
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