SSC Khatumo Military Doing War Drills For Sanaag


I hope SSC Khatumo has set up it's Intel squad to understand the enemy, formation, hierarchy(for high target kills not foot soldiers), finance capability, previous war tactics used by the enemy.

Please then set up your war games and drills and how your formations, squads will work together but also separated for each squad mission. Please remember setting up a medic squad, hospitals must be prepared for blood before the war based on your calculation of expected wounded.

Make sure the soldiers know every ammunition needs to have enemy heads or other targets, don't allow them to waste bullets thru emotional response sida naagaha kale, you r men uu sheegi, and make sure you do your job and tasks set by your general and tell your commanders they will be held accountable on their duty in the over all strategy.

I would also explore the use of mathematics in your strategy especially shapes, degrees, angles of your military. Make sure to timetable each mission and when completion date must happen, a war that doesn't have an end, means more wasted finances and finances will end which will end the war and maybe nothing was achieved which is the worst war because you accumulated dead bodies and have no prizes.

You must enter the enemy and tell your commanders to keep to the plan on all the flanks of the battle untill the mission is achieved. War is done thru precise strategy, calculation, time restrictions of each task in the strategy plus high moral and geesinimo of your soldiers to hold onto the plan.

If you do this, the war will be over in days because war is about maskax not emotions.
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The one thing I noticed in PL and also SSC war style, once the enemy is fleeing, kama daba tagan, that's when he is most weakest, even if he runs to his deegaan, because they using all their awood in the theatre, ka daba taga, untill their completely destroyed even in their deegaan.


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