SSC Minister: “PL SSC workers are as useless as Indians in Dubai”


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
How can they do that when they aren’t recognized federal states? Caqligu hashaqeeyo ilkayareey
Thinking Think GIF by Rodney Dangerfield
SSC is already recognized by FGS although quasi recognition. They are trying to balance the approach to appease Somaliland.
SSC is already recognized by FGS although quasi recognition. They are trying to balance the approach to appease Somaliland.
There is no such thing as quasi recognition lol. Either you are recognized or you aren’t. Dhiiqo didn’t even invite them to the NCC after Madobe called it quits. Unfair but that is the reality. Most likely Deni will select them like he did the 17 PL reps from Sool last year.

Ilkoyar reps in JL and GM will also be selected by their respective presidents as you are well aware. That’s just how the system works unfortunately.


I'm.always alert, aware, informed around reer diinis, so don't think I'm an uninformed fool. Notice I say reer diini, the cancer inside marehan. It's a big ass tumor affecting all sade clan well being.

Scaring Times Up GIF by Biznek

And if gets out of control I got back up if they jump me. On the march to open up some reer diini ass whooping.

state champs GIF by Pure Noise Records
Adeer do you have mental issues ?
All the garaads asked PL not elect Dhulbahante but they were chosen by Deni.
I understand that this wasn’t easy to do at the time due to the constitution.

The PL constitution needs to be changed to remove Dhulbahante officially.
These guys represent no one and are a danger to PL politically.

There is also a faction in PL that would rather have Dhulbahante be part of SL than be independent. I hope those guys are pushed aside.

Ultimately there needs to be Harti shir like we did prior to the formation of PL. The only people who win with our division are the enemies.
Be ware of the 'sheegato' imposters inside both PL and SSC KH. Their ultimate goal is to pitch the polities against one another, for that solely benefits them. If you ever hear someone claiming to be from PL speaking such nonsense, it means they are either 'sheegato' or paid agitators on someone's payroll. Same applies to those inside SSC KH, who float ill-conceived opinions just to agitate whilst true citizens are manning the defence lines.
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All the garaads asked PL not elect Dhulbahante but they were chosen by Deni.
I understand that this wasn’t easy to do at the time due to the constitution.

The PL constitution needs to be changed to remove Dhulbahante officially.
These guys represent no one and are a danger to PL politically.

There is also a faction in PL that would rather have Dhulbahante be part of SL than be independent. I hope those guys are pushed aside.

Ultimately there needs to be Harti shir like we did prior to the formation of PL. The only people who win with our division are the enemies.
It was exceptional circumstances as 1m1v was supposed to happen, and if Deni needed Dhulo votes to protect Puntland from those rebels then he can have them.