Sspot gaalo gaalo come in


The one and only 4head
To be frank, death has always been an obsession to me but as I learned more about it, I feel a more distant feeling toward the end of my "life" here.

I don't believe in the usual "hell" or "heaven" concepts, but open to the idea of an Afterlife.


The one and only 4head
explain pls?

I'm agnostic, which means that in the terms of Death,
back then, I recall having strong opinions on it; as there was no such thing as an Afterlife, but for the last few months, I'm rethinking my old beliefs on this matter.
I'm letting more options, as many spirituality and religions talk about the same thing, it's quite "concerning" to analyze their similarities. Were our human ancestors the same, did they live the same lives to conclude the same conclusions? Or was there a God who sent to them, multiple times, multiples messengers?
I don't frankly know. I do like the idea of dying and seeing your loved ones in another, Eternal, life!
But there's no proof of it (scientifically), thus skepticism would want to question it, but I still have a door open, just in case!


I could not care what happens to me when i die :axvmm9o:
I'm agnostic, which means that in the terms of Death,
back then, I recall having strong opinions on it; as there was no such thing as an Afterlife, but for the last few months, I'm rethinking my old beliefs on this matter.
I'm letting more options, as many spirituality and religions talk about the same thing, it's quite "concerning" to analyze their similarities. Were our human ancestors the same, did they live the same lives to conclude the same conclusions? Or was there a God who sent to them, multiple times, multiples messengers?
I don't frankly know. I do like the idea of dying and seeing your loved ones in another, Eternal, life!
But there's no proof of it (scientifically), thus skepticism would want to question it, but I still have a door open, just in case!
It’s difficult to come to a reasonable conclusion of an afterlifes existence without settling if you believe in God in the first place. God also by definition is something that cant be proved by empirical means we cant put god in a magnifying glass after all. Theology requires philosophy, logic, and reasoning.

Have you heard of the argument of motion if so what is your ideas about the “prime mover”. A video explaining it if your unfamiliar (ignore the titling)


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
I would like to invite all the murtads on here to a dinner at my family estate in Bosaso. It will be a grand feast where a myriad of glorious cuisines shall be dined upon! There will be music and dancing! All shall dress in old toga style Geeljire clothes and there will be a theatrical show at the end of the night with trained livestock animals!

And, finally, I will guarantee you all comfortable lodgings to snooze away in after the night is up.

I would like to invite all the murtads on here to a dinner at my family estate in Bosaso. It will be a grand feast where a myriad of glorious cuisines shall be dined upon! There will be music and dancing! All shall dress in old toga style Geeljire clothes and there will be a theatrical show at the end of the night with trained livestock animals!

And, finally, I will guarantee you all comfortable lodgings to snooze away in after the night is up.

Alcohol will be served :chrisfreshhah:
Atheists or agnostic’s know deep down there is hell and heaven.However, they are living in denial they just want to live a life of freedom and don’t want their actions to be judged by superior being or be held responsible as it gives them too much anxiety. This leaves them with a life with no purpose meaning they fall into depression. Most atheists possess ignorant , arrogant and narcissistic character traits before they even decide their religious views. This is why it’s important to reflect on your character and the way you treat others or you will fall into being too big headed and ignorant and will deny the existence of a higher being.
Ps. This is just my analysis from what I’ve experienced, read as well as my ideas, it doesn’t mean it’s true so don’t take offence
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The one and only 4head
Atheists or agnostic’s know deep down there is hell and heaven.However, they are living in denial they just want to live a life of freedom and don’t want their actions to be judged by superior being or be held responsible as it gives them too much anxiety .This leaves them with a life with no purpose meaning they fall into depression.

1st) > Atheists or Agnostics know deep down there is hell and heaven.
How do you differentiate both? Did you know there's a clear distinction between "I don't believe that God exists" and "I'm not sure about his existence"?

2st) Wow such an assumption! Where did you get that idea of "they just want to live a life of freedom and don't want their actions to be judged by superior beings"? Are you implying that Atheists and Agnostics don't have proper Morals? That Humans need religion to have morals? This assumption doesn't hold any truth since freedom, even in a heavily industrialized society such as the West, doesn't really exist and Humans have developed something (since before established religions); communities! We used to live as Hunter-gatherers, with proper societal hierarchies, and morality was thus established among the commoners. Despite this cliché, your argument ain't even clear since most humans were born free, and most will probably die free. Freedom comes from having responsibilities; if you're implying that only religion gives morality, how can you explain to me the shithole of the Muslim World in 2021 and the great quality of life in Atheistic societies such in Nothern Europe? It's funny to hold such prejugés without any truth.
And I don't want even comment on the "they'd have too much anxiety if they had a god" what the f*ck is this logic? Do you think that the Gaalos live in the Amazone, half-naked, with a stick in their noses? Last time I checked, our ancestors in a were selling Bantus, raping the women of their tribal rivals and they were practicing FGM. I don't recall the Quran being a Humanist Pamphlet.

And lastly,
3rd) > Without religion, there's no purpose.
Did you know that most Japanese folks don't have a religion? Yet, they have a purpose, thanks to their national ethics; Shintoism. Yes, with a community, you will have rules set for you, by people before you and above you, and you'll need to just follow, as a fellow member in the said community.
But it doesn't mean you will need to follow an established religion to have a purpose; one's happiness is alone a purpose. Having a set family, with a set vision of your life and a grounded philosophy is enough.

In summary,
Your views are limiting, out of reach and tainted with prejugés, old images which don't even correlate with reality. Depression isn't related to Atheism or Agnosticism, it's a matter of 1) the current state of mental of the said patient, 2) the environment. Back in the early 2000s, in Somalia, we've seen an increase of suicide rates. Because of the civil war and political instability. Were the suicidal people "Atheists"? They were, in fact, desperate of having a normal life again.

Sorry for the long reply, but your response was off-putting and unnecessary.


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