Stacey dash used the thrown out

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
She's a conservative. You're a conservative. I thought you liked black people who are conservative.


:umad: He got you there. If you ask me, she's a proud and patriotic American who puts her country before this so-called, socially constructed 'race'. God damn Obama and his great division tactics. :sass1:
No such thing as 'coons'. Nothing more than regressive group-think that calls for linking ideology to skin color and background, and shaming those who reject it.


Your superior
She's a conservative. You're a conservative. I thought you liked black people who are conservative.

I agree but she wasn't a true right winger like me. She only criticised her community which is good but she was pc when it came to the white community which isn't cool. You are either a true righty or a lefty
Ilaahayow self-hatred naga ilaali. This bed wench has served her purpose for the comedic propaganda channel execs. Do you use the tissue again when you've wiped your ass? Not it'll create an even bigger mess.

People like her and the coon-meister David A. Clarke need to be dispatched with if the the AA community really believe in what they preach. But alas, no. The complacent Negro will continue to bind himself tighter into the chains of his supposed enemy. Couple of Crystal bottles, couple of strippers and a fat blunt is all you need to incapacitate the AA man.

Instead of the more 'enlightened' AA men purging their neighbourhoods from thugs, pimps, agitators, and spies, they'll call Shantiquensa 'My Queen', and preach that Hotep We Wuz Kangz bullshit. This is perhaps due to intense cognitive dissonance, where the more 'enlightened' Negros have come to realise what an absolute cesspit their people have and continue to wallow in, but see little to no response from their fellow AA people. This left them with 2 scenarios:

1. Sub-Saharans are indeed inferior to the rest of humanity and as a whole are most useful when servile;
2. Ancient Aliens gave tech to a black Egyptian who ultimately created an evil race of humans (separate from God's true stock: the Asiatic Blackman) who are now known as 'white people'. Hence this is a fight between God's people and pure evil. Just waiting for the flying saucers to descend before we can begin! Until then inaction is the best course.

Such a predicament they find themselves in, and these are the people our youngsters want to emulate?:kanyehmm:

Stacyy Dash still got that sugar though :mjkkk:. Thought she was ragged until she came as a guest on the Eric Andre Show.:whew:

I should be ashamed of myself..:wow:


Hotep and Hebrew Israelite
AlhamduliLah... She deserves to be thrown out like yesterday's qashin. She sells out her people for a dirt cheap price. InshaAllah Sheriff Khanis Clarke gets fired too.

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