Stomach pains


Hakuna matata
I think I'm overacting and I hate to go to a doctor.

For two weeks I have had a sore stomach that goes and comes, to the point where I feel nauseous and end up going to the toilet to release stool.

I haven't changed my diet, this came out of the blue. I am a person who over thinks and lately I been watching YouTube videos where sheikhs talk about how people can place black magic in your food without out you knowing. This caused me to never eat at anyone's house or leave my food unattended when I go out.

I think waan waladay
I think I'm overacting and I hate to go to a doctor.

For two weeks I have had a sore stomach that goes and comes, to the point where I feel nauseous and end up going to the toilet to release stool.

I haven't changed my diet, this came out of the blue. I am a person who over thinks and lately I been watching YouTube videos where sheikhs talk about how people can place black magic in your food without out you knowing. This caused me to never eat at anyone's house or leave my food unattended when I go out.

I think waan waladay
just go to the doctor to be safe
I had that before during ramadan. I threw up green stuff for a few days.
I had lots of greek plain yoghurt. It did the trick pain was gone.
Yoghurts have probiotics which is very good for your stomach its a healthy bacteria. Micro-organisms inside all yoghurts. The less sugar the yoghurt has the better it is for your stomach.
Same thing happened where my stomachs been hurting at night for no reason if I were you I would drink more water and read Quran... I don’t like going to the doctor either but if it’s really bad you might want to check it up.

Chun Li

under construction 😈💖
Are you bloated & do you feel as though you have a lot of gas trapped inside of your stomach?


Couple of thing that are often overlooked and could cause those symptoms are stress and anxiety. Have you been under pressure lately? We must always look after our mental health :)

The Somali Caesar

King of Sarcasm• Location: Rent free in your head
You could just be suffering with bloating. It could be from various things. But I’d advise you see a Doctor just in case. He’d probably give you a prescription


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
I think I'm overacting and I hate to go to a doctor.

For two weeks I have had a sore stomach that goes and comes, to the point where I feel nauseous and end up going to the toilet to release stool.

I haven't changed my diet, this came out of the blue. I am a person who over thinks and lately I been watching YouTube videos where sheikhs talk about how people can place black magic in your food without out you knowing. This caused me to never eat at anyone's house or leave my food unattended when I go out.

I think waan waladay

I suggest that you try cabbage water. It is an old known remedy for various stomach problems.
I think I'm overacting and I hate to go to a doctor.

For two weeks I have had a sore stomach that goes and comes, to the point where I feel nauseous and end up going to the toilet to release stool.

I haven't changed my diet, this came out of the blue. I am a person who over thinks and lately I been watching YouTube videos where sheikhs talk about how people can place black magic in your food without out you knowing. This caused me to never eat at anyone's house or leave my food unattended when I go out.

I think waan waladay
Use moviprep to cleanse your stomach.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
just go to the doctor to be safe

Myself, I avoid the doctor to be safe!

I am suspicious of doctors and I believe I am 1000% justified.

I know of a person who may in fact have been killed by the "treatment" they received at a hospital. Other people who know about the incident believe the same thing.

That is an extreme case. But many people are uncomfortable with doctors and they are right to be. I urge people to be careful and cautious when it comes to the "doctors".


Kick in the door wavin the .44
InshaAllah it’s nothing to worry about but it doesn’t hurt to see a dr.

While you wait for your appointment I’d say try activated charcoal - if it’s a simply bug that will resolve it. And avoid rich food, if it’s a gall stone issue that will control it.