Stonehenge was built by aliens.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
That's what my Cadaan colleague declared to me this morning! :dead:

What's your theory on what or who built Stonehenge?


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You're from the U.K right? Ever been there and how's it up close? Regular rocks?
Yeah I am from UK but I have not been there yet. It's in Wiltshire I live in London. I will go there spring and take pictures for somalispot.
This theory or thought is based on the idea that the stone-henge would have been impossible to put together and transport the materials without the aid of modern technology. It is the limitations of today's human thought and their bias to so called modern civilization. When you falsely assume we are the best and the rest of the humans were monkeys in the past, then you get confused by structures of might like these.

Same thing happens when they examine the Pyramids and how mathematically aligned they were built to some stars. It required knowledge of the sky and precision measurement, mode of transport that made huge slaps of stones used for the construction be brought in etc.

Just current human ignorance and Eurocentric propaganda of teaching to the rest of mankind they are the best and all things techno starts with them. History always proves today's mankind wrong about the past.
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